AFF shutting down? oAo

So I literally was scrolling down through the blogs in AFF and found a lot of people saying that AFF will be shutting down because of the fangirl dad's thingy?

seriously, idek wut to do again if AFF shutted down.-. AFF is the ONLY site that I'm be able to express my fangirl feels with writing fanfics and reading fanfictions that're well written.

And since I'm not familiar with wattpad so yea, if AFF really IS shutting down, idk where am I going to write/read stories again(ノ-o-)ノ ”″┻━┻



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THis is soo sad.. Like where do I have to put my stories now.. Uhh AFF was comforting!
there's a reaon for the rated m and trigger warning option -_- why blame aff when ur daughter was the one who read it? She chose to do so,not aff.
I don't think its permanently shutting down, but it did like a few weeks ago. It something that all fan fiction websites go though, no big deal :)
Kalaupun kayak gitu, knp salahnya AFF
kan bkn AFF yg bikin, members nya yg provide
anaknya juga klo underage seharusnya udh know better dong
but of course teens, their hormones will always be kicking
dan ortunya gak punya right utk ngesue AFF, yg ada dia musti ngepunish anaknya lah
itupun klo dia underage, dan lagian itu juga privacy anaknya
I'm going to guess that this is yet another of those cases where some kid aka preteen was poking his/her nose where it didn't belong.
Unni!! Try wattpad!! Its a really good website to write!! I use it all time! Also good for back up!
apparently, it was shut down a couple days ago 'cuz some parent found their kid reading something with rated content ( rating and a trigger warning type story) and complained. but since we're all still here.....crisis averted? idk, but everything i've read seems to say that the problem has been handled, so no need to panic
baka_ming95 #8
It shutted down but idk if it'll shut down forever D:
Rumorny kykny bener kak, soalny ada screenshot tweet dia yg bunyinya.. umm aku g ingt jls sih, yg jls ada blg 'akhirny udh report asianfanfics' gituu
no, it already happened-- AFF shut down the other day but is back now (or else i wouldn't be able to type this) haha oh well, AFF always go offline from time to time--this month already 3-4 times. :) even though the fangirl's dad said on Twitter that the police was involved, they can't do anything since it's not a real crime but online fiction (he reported the site because of a story that had child abuse) also it has already happened similar things with other fanfics for other fandoms, but they always came back. so don't worry haha~
No no no.....this can't happen..
But what's fangirl dad's thing??
No no no no.. that won't do :s So it's actually true than? :s Damn, what about it.. :s I heard some rumour going on about a parent who caught their child reading something here on aff about child abuse or something :s This is what my friend told me: "Apparently some parent caught their child reading something about child abuse on this site and reported the site?? I dunno, I only saw that on tumblr but it's most probably a rumour only."