Writers Block

I have something to admit.  The reason I haven't been updating that much is that I have a weird case of writers block.

It's not that the ideas are there, my imagination is still the crazy place it has always been.  I've always had a knack for coming up with new plots and story arcs. I want to write its just that I'm kind of struggling to put the images in my mind to my laptop.  I even have writing plans etc no amount of staring blankly at them is helping.  I even tried talking it out, using the dictation function but my Mac apparently doesn't understand my accent so it keeps spitting out gibberish at me. Seriously, smirk became no matter how i said it smack T___T  So that stopped that idea in it's tracks, I was getting close to flinging my laptop across the room.  

My writers block is more like when I sit down at my laptop I just distract myself. Like suddenly I feel myself procrastinating by doing useful things like tidying my room or practising my viet.  Well admittdly not so useful things which this week has been reading manga and rewatching all five seasons of glee. I think thBefore that I discovered f what people called a social life and then holidays and work.  So now I'm in this state of flux at home wanting to write but doing everything but writing.  

I'm sure you all know the feeling, I know what I want to write and have the time but simply can't find my rhythm.  It wasn't until my friend, my lovely princess twin and I had a fanfic writing facetime session I actual got it done.  I am trying though.  I'm planning to finish off Heart Shaped Wreckage and all my short stories off by then end of this Summer.  After that I have 2 new projects one of which is Virtual Hearts. 


So to all you writers that are able to update regualarly I salute you I really do.  Cause when life isn't you know throwing exams at me it is giving me this scared of typing on my laptop syndrome. 

and wasting time on tumblr.

And staring into space.

And imagining myself typing out the story only to having the fresh roses go little shop of horrors on me. 


I have issues but yeah writers block .  


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i have the same too :/
Marshmallow_Princess #2
Nawww there there Princess Twin, I'm sure it will work out later <3 I get those moments too. As you said I'm sure its happened to everyone out there who writes, in fact is happens to me especially when I have to write essays !!! Lols maybe try going to a nice place outdoors / indoors with nothing but an ipad to write ? (Make sure to have no internet) ;)

Best of luck Princess, hwaiting !!! <3 I'll try and make FaceTime FanFic writing time more often !!!
Same. I have all the ideas in my head, but none of the motivation to write it down. For some reason keeping everything to myself and moving on to a new story in my head is more satisfying than spending forever writing one story down. I feel so obligated to write lately and it's just no fun. I want to be lazy and greedy and just catch up on watching SJ shows, reading other peoples FF, etc. I don't want to do anything, but I feel guilty at the same time for not updating, so then I feel worse, and it just snowballs into this big depression that makes me not want to do anything :(