Lets Be Real

Let's be real.  

  • Not every band member in a fanfic is gay. 
  • Not every Asian man has insecurities , tiny a character one more time I dare you , I ING DARE YOU. 
  • To follow up the last bullet point, I know you wanna kill the tiny Asian stereotype but I'm pretty sure his isn't Mandingo size like cmon. Every girls first thought in these stories ,'omigod its so big' 'damn will it fit?' is your the size of a pinhead? 
  • Not every black woman in ambw has curves. (Searches for double D's in the meanwhile)
  • Not every Asian man in ambw likes jazz, rap, or *inserts random black sterotyped music* 
  • Not every Black Woman in ambw likes kpop. No. 
  • Not every black woman in ambw will hear kpop for the first time and love it. Its okay to have a different opinion from your character (spreads imaginary rainbow) its called creativity. 
  • Lastly you cannot randomly assault a person ually and they turn out to like it. It doesn't work that way. That is . Stop your characters. 

That being said. Y'all need to get it together. (Still searches for double D's )


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LMAO. I can't . . . This is too good. I can only guess these writers are too young to understand the real world.
Do these authors have social lives and common sense? If they had either they would know the stereotypes and bad tropes are unrealistic.
I'm sitting here applauding.
You betta tell em!!!

Maybe the problem is that some of these girls (and guys, who knows!) have never actually been with an Asian guy, or any guy for that matter. Therefore they thing that anyone interesting in women such as themselves, MUST be a hip-hop wanna-be Afro-American type.
Girl bye.

And that whole little peeny weeny stereotype stuff is the work of the Lucifer.
I have seen the gospel with mine own eyes.
Tiny a character one more time...golden.
LilithDunos #6
Lmao this made my day, like during the ambw part I literally looked at myself and was like damn i sholl don't have curves xD and yes mu characters are apart of the squad!!! ^▽^
this should be posted everywhere omfg
so much yes to this post i s2g