New Apply GirlGroup by JYP Pixies~


Your Personal Info:

AFF Username - LJKpop

What do you want me to call you - Jinxy/Moyashi ^^

Character Info:

Full Name - Scarlett Anderson [American Name], Ok Hae In [Korean Name]

Nicknames - Moyashi [bean sprout in Japanese], Scar, 

Age - 13

Birthdate - 21/04/1998

Ethnicity - Full Korean

Height - 162cm

Weight - 45kg

Blood Type - O


Appearance 1:         [When she's 12 yrs old]

2:                                    [10 yrs old]    


Languages - Korean-Fluent, Japanese-Fluent, English-Fluent, French-Basic, Greek-Basic


Preferred type of clothing - Scarlett is the type of girl that prefers skinny jeans than skirts, baggy/oversized shirts/blouse than normal blouses, dark coulours than bright. The way she dresses defines what type of girl she is when she's dancing. She LOVES wearing high cut shoes as it is comfortable to dance with. She NEVER fails to wear clothes with hoodies, headphones and nerdy specs. In every outfit she wears, she will always have headphones around her neck.

Trained for _ Years - 4 Years

Personality - Scarlett is the type of person you will always want to be around with. She's funny, hyper, positive, outgoing, bubbly, and cheerful. She can be clumsy and funny at times when she's excited. She may appear irritating - as she is always hyper - , cool, and calm. Scarlett has a high tolerance level but is easily upset. She can be bubbly both on and off stage. But when she's dancing, she means business. Her personality will make a 180 degree turn. Scarlett will appear as though she is rough or tomboy-ish. She loves challenges. She is the type of person that never gives up. She went through several auditions but failed. They said she was too young. But eventually, she was accepted into JYP when she turned 9 years old. She went through light trainings in her trainee years but when she was 12, she wanted something more challenging. Thus, the harsh trainings made her unable to cope with her studies, but she did cope even though she hated several subjects.
Scarlett has been dancing eversince she was three. She started off with ballet. And when she was 5, she wanted to expand her knowledge of dance such as, hip-hop, breakdancing and traditional. She has won several dance competitions nationally and internationally.

- Dancing
- Doing aegyo
-Choreographing dances
- Headphones
-Listening to music



-Flirty Boys
-Heavy Metal music
-Bossy people
-Creepy crawlies
-Doing chores [Every teen hates that. :PP]
-Wearing skirts and high heels


-ALWAYS wears high cut shoes [Eg Supra, addidas]
-Eats chocolate or candy before sleeping, dancing or performing
-Has a habit of forgetting things sometimes
-Bites her lower lip when she's thinking.
-Always leaves her things around her room.
-Puff cheeks when the atmosphere around her is awkward or has no idea what to do next.
-Instead of carrying a handbag, she carries a bagpack filled with her personal stuff.


-Reading [Anime, fantasy novels etc.]
-Compose dance tracks


Siblings? Family closeness -

Ok Ji Hyen || Older Sister || The sister that Scarlett could tell her secrets to. The sister that would give Scarlet advice.
Ok Taecyeon || Older brother || The closest family member to Scarlet. He is somewhat overprotactive of her whenever she hangs out with his bandmembers on the weekends [In South Korea]. Tries to 'protect' her from Chansung everytime they are talking or playing together. 

Biography - 

I was actually born in the US Bedford, Massachuttes. I started to gain interest in dance when my brother, Ok Taecyeon, decided to audition for JYP. He was my rolde model. When he finally moved to South Korea, I began dancing. From ballet to traditional to hip-hop to breakdancing. My sister and parents supported me through the years as I trained. I wanted to be like my brother. I had to. When another JYP audition was in the US, my sister went with me since I was under the age of 18. When I heard the news that I was acccepted, I was over the moon. I could see my brother. But when they said I had to leave for Korea on that night of the auditions, the feelings were the exact opposite.

Ideal Type - Woo Ji Ho/Zico [Block B]

Personal Fandom - Beloved [Since she's LOVED by both her siblings~ ^_^]

Position in group - Main dancer and Main rapper


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