The morning dawned much later for the rest of the angels. It had only been three hours before Axel rose from his slumber to complete his duties as 'squire' to the Power [because there was no way he'd be seen as more than that]. He was careful to shift and get out of bed with as little movement as possible. The first few times he's shared sleeping quarters with Jace, Axel had had the displeasure of being left behind before a mission. It had taken weeks, nearly three, to get his sleeping patterns to match that of the Power. Even then, it wasn't enough. His durt was to be up and about before Jace in order to get anything done and adhere to the code. As his superior, Jace was to bathe first and have his equipment ready and waiting. It had taken another two weeks to become the least bit hyperaware enough to rise before the Power, run the baths, shine the armor, and sharpen the weapons. It was as if he were to be prepared for the last day of his life every day. Even if it wasn't far from teh truth. It was a battle in and of itself thereafter, to orient himself to such swift changes. Once or twice he had nearly fallen asleep mid flight, many time he'd dozed off in the cold bath; only once, however, had he been awakened by an irate Jace. Since then he had been building his endurance. Once, his drowsiness had nearly cost the Power a considerably horrid injury in one oc the battles they had been in.

Axel wasn't the only one in the armoury until a young angel left newly shined swords laid out on a table in the far corner. Ther poor boy had been exhausted. Axel offered to clean the rest of the armor. The Principality sighed silently to himself as he unraveled his hair with a thought and set to work. It had taken nearly an hour for the little angel's superior's armor to be rid of all the grime and magical burns. It was probably from the many hits taken to defend the weaker angel. It was so bad, that Axel had to switch from using his hair as hands and using his own. Thoroughly shone to perfection, the Principality laid the clean armor next to the swords. Then he settled to deal with Azalea, Jace's axe. Only recently had the task of cleaning and sharpening the monstrous weapon been given to Axel. Jace had always cared for his own weapons and hardly ever let Axel touch them beyond being a lackey and carrying them when they returned home and putting them away. Sometimes, in the beginning, both angels cared for their gear together, so to speak. Axel cleaned and chattered.

Jace cleaned and ignored.

Two hours had passed and there was but a half hour left before the Power would rise. Axel rose to his feet with each article held with a different tendril to prevent them rubbing against each other. The trek to the shared quarters was a moderate one and the task of situating their equipment with as little disturbance as possible was treacherous. That done, Axel unfurled his wings once back out into the halls to carry their tin to the well at the centerof the hind gardens. It was almost time for the Power's bath.


Jace woke to the quiet calling of his name from in front of him. His hard green eyes opened almost immediately to see Axel standing just out of arm's reach with two towels in a neatly folded stack held out on muscled forearms. On a brief, nearly unnoticeable sweep, the Power noticed the slow ebbing of fatigue: Axel had barely slept. The other's red eyes were pinched and full lips were drawn in to a thin line. Jace sat up and took the towels with a grunt of acknowledgement and stood, rounding the bed with lengthy strides, he went for the wash room, hearing the responding 'good morning' from the Purity.

Once inside, JAce removed his white slacks, the only article of clothing he ever wore to bed, and stepped and settled into the tub. The water was steaming this morning. Axel must have been one of the fist to the well. He'd heard and felt when the red eyed angel left their bed hours earlier. Through half-lidded eyes he had watched the Principality try to unhinge their equipment as quietly as possible before going to where Jace knew was the armoury. Three hours was hardly enough to rest, in Jace's opinion. However, it was hardly any of his businesswhat the Principality did so long as teh idiot didn't screw anything up.

Listening out, asit was somethinghe did instinctually, he heard the soft shuffle of feet and the rustling of bed sheets. The Power snorted.Leave it to Axel to throw himself back into bed. That thought in mind, Jace began to wash himself when footsteps across the marble floor nearly gave him pause. Theholy signature was obviously Axel but Jace hadn't expected the Purity to proceed with his duties as an assistant because of his exhaustion. The wet towel was plucked from his large fist and ran over his neck and shoulders.

"You thought I slacked off and went to bed." It wasn't a quesiton. "You wound me."

Jace merely breathed and sat forward when prompted. He'd never once opened his eyes, not wanting to further soul his day with the ever-looming fact that he was stuck with the infuriating chatterbox for the rest of his years. A shame he couldn't just take the other on a mission and simply leave him to die. It went against his honor and pride. And against the rules of the Court. He was to defend the Purity to the death on the  battlefield. Had Axel been a much lower-ranked angel, leaving the annoying bastard behind would have been the permanent decision. However, both of them were trained to fight: Jace to battle and Axel to defend.

"You should have gone to the Clerics," he heard Axel grump. "All you've got on your back are bruises the size of islands."

Because you didn't watch it, moron, Jace thought, but none of it translated to his face nor body language. There was golden silence for a few minutes.

"You know, I should probably join you."

This time, Jace's eyes did open with a snap, if only to glare at Axel who was seemingly seriously debating the option. The red eyed angel caught the look and grinned lopsidedly before defending: "A hot bath would be great now and again."

Jace didn't see the small frown when he looked away and closed his eyes in dismissal.




It's lengthy, but it's okay I think.





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