bored yet genius

1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends?

i think i'm at advantage since it's already 2015

i want to get closer to my family, find new friends, get better at dancing, get better at writing and get into an average school

2. What color are your pants?


3. Favorite motivational quote?

i honestly don't have one but tablo's lyrics and words inspire and motivate me every day

4. When was the last time you drank coffee?

it was last week saturday

5. What was the last thing you ate?

a burger

it's mothering friday let me breathe

6. Favorite animal?

a cat

7. Favorite song?

i wonder if there's a person who actually knows how to answer this

a song that just came out that i'm loving currently is mad clown's fire but it'll obviously change man

8. Last movie you watched?


9. Any turn ons?

i've answered this so many times

just obvious turn ons like healthy nice body and confidence 

turn on is completely different from ideal type

10. Any turn offs?


11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head?

man i'm not that wise

english isn't my native language anyway

12. What are some meaningful movies?

i don't really watch movies but i suppose you could find a meaning basically anywhere 

13. 2 most important people in your life right now?

my parents

14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends?

decide what schools i'm going to apply for, start writing something new and maybe study

15. When was the last time you read a good book?

a few weeks back i read an amazing book series from becca fitzpatrick called hush hush

since then i read sinner from maggie stiefvater (it was great but hush hush left a bigger impact) but now i can't really read because of school which angers me

16. How long do you study for usually, if you study?

i usually don't but if i do then maybe for like fifteen minutes before the exam

17. Do you have any nicknames?

sky is a nickname but it's very commonly used by my friends and acquaintances so it feels like my own

18. Favorite kind of perfume?

i have so many perfumes but my absolute favorite and the one i use every single day is clean's rain

yes it smells like rain and it's absolutely amazing

19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state?

i've had several but right now it's only hana

she's a precious unnie from malaysia and i love her so much

20. What is something unique that you do every single day?

i don't know about unique but i have a scenario blog on tumblr and i work on it daily

21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called?

spoilers and burns

sounds deeper than it actually is

22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone?

i bought christmas gifts for my parents; a famous mystery novel for my mom and a johnny cash autobiography for my dad

it was well thought and like 100 euros in total so i'm a golden daughter 

23. Are you a shopaholic?

no i absolutely hate shopping

then again i love buying books

24. What are some songs that always make you feel better?

there's so many omg

when i want to calm down i put on akmu's play album or taeyang's rise album

25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself?

reading, writing and watching tv shows/drama/movies/survival programs

26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in?

wouldn't tropical rainforest be pretty damn cool

there's bugs and tho

yea idk man

27. How do you like being roused in the morning?

i don't like being roused in the morning why would anyone sane ever like that

28. How was your day? What did you do?

my day was pretty nice

i was getting educated in school, then i came home, showered, put make up on while listening to music and singing off key, cleaned my room, packed my bag and went to my dad's after getting burgers

just an average day but i'm still alive so

29. What did your last text message say?

last message i sent or received

the last text i sent was "okay thank you i'm out" and the last text i personally received was "i can't come to school today cause my head has been dying all night and it's still dying *thumbs down*"

30. Do you respond to texts quickly?

i guess it depends on the person and on the situation

usually i don't tho

31. Who was the last person you called?

my mom

32. List 5 things that are on your wish list?

the hush hush book series, epik high's shoebox, winner's s/s 2014, a bigbang comeback and ikon's debut thank you very much

33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for?

it's not something i think but something i hope: writing

34. Winter or summer?

half a year ago i would've said winter

but summer

35. What is a quality that all people should have?


36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be?

snapbacks or shoes or books

37. What have you been thinking about lately?

i've been worrying about whether i'm going to get into the school of my choice or any school at all for that matter

38. What is the secret to a happy life?

happiness what else

39. What are some phrases you say often?


is that a phrase

40. Favorite food?

rice dude i love rice

spicy food; chinese works korean works oh my god thai works

also seafood in general

41. List 3 wishes?

i wish bigbang's comeback

i wish winner's comeback

i wish ikon's debut

42. What are some of your greatest fears?

water and heights

43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

probably a gif of someone from ikon/winner

44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)?

i remember going to the beach with my cousins last summer, but it was a bit chilly so it was completely and utterly empty

it was so calm and beautiful and we just shut up and admired

45. Spicy food?

yes thank you

46. Scary movies?

yes thank you

47. Do you like to travel?

getting to know different cultures, eating different food and talking to different people and hearing/learning a different language is all amazing, it's just that i'm extremely scared of heights and water, and flying basically includes both of them

i do travel tho i'm just really afraid 

48. Any regrets?

no i don't do regrets

49. Do you like rain?

when it doesn't ruin something then yes

i mean walking in the rain and solving your thoughts is amazingly calm and refreshing, but let's say i want to go to a picnic or an amusement park, it obviously

50. What do you spend most of your money on?


but not food as in unhealthy crap or snacks or anything

my mom works a lot so i have to buy my own food very often

51. Would you rather visit the past or the future?

if i have to choose then past

52. Favorite clothing store?

i don't have one

53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down?

i'm not the right person to ask this from

54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you?

currently i'm forced to think about it because of school but usually i try hard not to

does it scare me? sometimes i think it does, but then i see how scared other people are and realize i'm not that scared after all; i'm rather calm, prepared and ready with a whatever happens just happens attitude

55. What angers you the most?



56. When was the last time you got majorly angry?

the last time i watched the 2012 healing camp episode with tablo

57. When was the last time you got really sad?

yesterday when i was watching the last episode of the return of superman with tablo and haru

not only because it was the last but because tablo and haru were visiting tablo's father's grave and it just hit me and i suddenly felt really bad for my own dad who used to take me to his father's grave 

i was a kid and didn't get it, i had never met the guy and i was just inconsiderate but even haru was comforting his dad and i never did 

58. Are you good at lying?

i don't really lie

59. What foreign language would you like to learn?

i'd like to learn japanese

60. How many languages can you speak and what are they?

english, finnish, swedish, french and korean

my french is the weakest and my korean is getting better every day

61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead?

i don't really go to parties, i only go to this one party called annyeong party for about three times a year

instead i just read, watch , write or hang out with friends

62. What books do you plan to read this year?

i don't really plan, i just go to the library and spend as many hours as i need to find a book that seems suitable

63. Do you have breakfast every morning?

i try to

64. Tell us a secret.

i'm einstein

65. How many concerts have you been to?


+ this mini concert kind of thing by joe rhee and keebomb which was cool

66. Last hug?

a friend that i saw a week ago

67. Who knows you better than anyone else?

definitely me

68. Baths or showers?

i'm not familiar with baths so i have to answer showers

69. Do you think you’re ambitious? 

just like most people, i'm ambitious when it comes to something i want or need

70. What song is stuck in your head?

idek why but bigbang's dirty cash 

71. Countries you’ve visited?

finland, sweden, estonia, turkey, spain and italy

72. What do you most value in your friends?

i don't know

i don't have that many friends 

73. What helps you to sleep better?

i just have to be tired and lay on my stomach

74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand?

500 euros

it wasn't mine tho

75. What makes you nervous?

traveling by the plane, water, heights, things that i'm afraid of obviously

76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

i can't recall anything

77. Is it easier to forgive or forget?


78. First mobile phone?

it was a cool nokia that had these awesome lights and

79. Strangest dream?

where to start man

when i was a kid i saw dreams and remembered but not anymore so 

i saw a dream that the girl from the ring climbed out of my tv and i just started laughing

that was pretty weird yea

80. Best dream?

hmm i don't know this one

81. Who is the smartest person you know?


wait i don't personally know tablo


82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr?

there's a lot of people on tumblr yo how am i supposed to know

i am

83. Do you miss anyone right now?

hana unnie!!

84. Who do you love? Why?

my parents because despite their mistakes they're amazing people that have offered me support and gave me life

anni who's a great friend (although we barely see each other outside of school) because she's amazing and there's a nice understanding between us

my cousins because hanging out with them clears my mind and they make me unbelievably happy

hana unnie because she's my soulmate man and i miss her a lot and she's the kindest sweetest yet the dumbest weirdest person i know ugh i love her

and several artists because i'm a teenager who needs guidance

85. Do you like sharing?

i do

86. What was the last picture you took with your phone?

a screenshot of notes for a media project

87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens?

hmm i don't know

i don't think so although sometimes it seems like there is

88. Favorite genre of music?

hip hop, rock, pop goes, anything goes basically

89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?


90. Describe your life in 5 words?

it's an interesting journey towards the unknown

91. Describe the world in 4 words?

it's a mystery no one understands

92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

it's kind of sad that i literally have nothing to answer

93. First three songs in your favorite playlist?

i have four playlists i love

1 winner's different, smile again and kang seungyoon's wild and young (i swear it's not a winner playlist)

2 dok2's 100%, 9.0 and came from the bottom (ahem yes it's his mixtape)

3 epik high's go, poong pa and i remember (it's an epik high playlist that has all of their albums from the first to the last so yea that's just the first 3 from map of the human soul)

4 epik high's born hater, team b's and winner's go up

94. Are you more creative or logical?

i believe i'm both

i'm usually very logical but i write so i also have to be creative

95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth?

hurt them with the truth

96. What are you most proud of?

i'm proud of everything i am tbh

97. What personality trait do you admire in other people?


i have none so i'm amazed by people who have it 

98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

reading or meditating

99. How do you usually start a conversation?

i guess i say hi

100. What is the best news you could hear right now?

i can't come up with anything else besides like a million comebacks

bigbang winner tablo lee hi akmu thank you

i'm running out of music to listen to guys


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