I'm happy mood due of Vixx 9 TV came out!

I watched vixx tv 9th and love it!! Think it might be my favorite I ever watched. Omg... N, Leo, Ken, in y tank beaters those hot biceps, I never know they own it!  Mostly N shocked me with his lovely biceps wrapped around Ravi and Hyuk totally distact me whole time, had to replay to catch what going on, lol. And at end love adorable Leo using balloon helium to wish Hyuk's bday.

For this bless broadcast give me some idea for new oneshot story. Wonder should I do it or not?? *grinning*' There I vent my thought of Vixx today and Thank you for your time read this. Sorry if it's not deal but I'm starlights fan. :D. You welcome to share your thought about this special of Hyuk's bday realvixx broadcast!! 


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