» || Of Desirable Damnations || Kusabi || Seol || «

jeon Seol

username — alcyonen.

nickname — Canta.

activity rate — 7


name — Jeon Seol.

nicknameSeol — everyone, since it's easier to pronounce.

birthdate || Age — June 19 || 19


It's only skin deep

face claim — Won Jong Jin

gallery —  a

backup face claimPark Hyung Seok

gallery — [ gallery ]


Seol stood in a staggering height of 184 cm; something that runs in his genes (it's worse with his older brother whom took the record for being 188 cm), towering over people, but not so much with his family. His skin is as white as the first falling snowflake with onyx straight hair to contradict and bangs that partially covered most of his eyes in a neat fashion. His eyes are dark brown and could be funny with some; it appears like some weird thingies that pops out from his bangs. But the dead Alichinos he had killed knew better; his eyes possesed a gloomy aura and often casted downwards; there was a dull atmosphere in it, but his preys didn't exactly mind it before realizing the eyes had screamed out not to come closer, a deadly neutrality that burns to the ground as the dark brown darkens to complete black, before returning to the captivating stare of his.
There was a huge scar in his formerly broken right scapula; it was an ugly taut of purple that tainted his pale skin, apparent with it literally snaking down from the blade to his right hand, all looked as good as new, stitched so roughly anyone can feel the scar right away.

styleBorn in a place where military exist, he usually wears very restricted uniform codes on where he lives. But even then, he still know how to bend it a little bit (e.g. using his tee instead of uniform when his uncle didn't come by). If there is no restriction at all, he would've just use long sleeves and blue or dark color scheme, more partially to hide his shame of horrible scar.

baby you're a wolf in sheep's clothing

race — Kusabi.


Kusabi — 
— When and how did your powers awaken?
"It came by since I was pretty young. I first saw them as white linings of their body, but it just became apparent to me that something is wrong, and the rest is history."
How many others know of your abilities? 
"My parents, older brother and the Chief know about it. Chief scares me when we talk about it, honestly. His eyes. My parents aren't comfortable to talk, so only my brother is pretty open-minded about it."
Have you been trained at all? 
"When I lived in Rhaelgo. Since the military training are a lot, I was trained to be one too. But now it's a little rusty."

let's take a step back


It might seem odd that he could've suit an Alichino instead. Keep that in mind.
Being born and living within two very contrasting worlds, his heart is a jumble of difference and a mix of clashing flaws and advantages. His first world can be seen that he is a boy with a sense of duty bore in his mind. Living in Rhaelgo had thought him how to be the strong one, the one man that shouldn't cry for the sight of a child in their last breath, nor spoke a word of joy for the blooming of cherry blossoms. The one thing he need to do is protect his family, no matter what kind of danger he is going to face.

But Seol wasn't stupid either; he is full of ideas that occured in his brain. He has an idea that while love itself is an interest to take, the idea of throwing himself under the bus seemed rediculous. And so, his intellegence are a something that he could put for his own gain, also feeling the pride for the skills he has. He knows his powers are beyond the strength he has, and feeling different from other people are something that he likes so much.
But for so much that he knows, it might seem strange that he can be humble. He wasn't an all out humble person; that definitely was stupid. It was a little late for him to reach that kind of thought, but his family has been thought to not rely on power to reach everything; because they can't cover the cracked flaws. And the real thing he had been trained for was not to enchance his combat skills, but to know his weakness and advantages, and to admit it.

His second home taught him to be insightful. If Rhaelgo had put him into knowing his weakness and strength, Senna taught him to get deeper to his feelings, appreciate them, and make amends with his emotions so they will come by at the perfect time. As he manages to control his emotions, he is getting increasingly familiar with the emotions people experience. But Alichinos, little of them even have emotions. With the insight he has, he knows that he can dig them deeper to kill. But Senna was a calm, peaceful village within the southern mountain ranges that little Alichino were brave enough to go, because the coldness haunt many. The villagers, on the other hand, are very laid back. Seol couldn't even go and take a rest, just because he's not feeling like he should be, waiting for his preys to come. So even with the immense power and control he has towards his emotions and greed, he still let the negative emotions overpower him.

However, if there is anything that both regions teached, is to handle the peace within.

TL;DR: While Seol does have an immense control over his emotions, negative or positive, he can be slightly insensitive, even a little egoistical if his greeds are a lot. But most of the time he knows his family are what he is supposed to do, and he will even take the avoiding Alichino route if he could, because he doesn't want to fight until he has to.


Seol was born in Rhaelgo, in a very healthy condition; not surprising to see he was born in summer. But still, their family is a happy one; until he started noticing something.
Living in a place where military is common, he started to notice something - more like someone, usually staying there, before disappearing. Seol thought it was just some kind of dream, until he heard the disappearance of a few citizens. At first, his family believed it was some kind of bluff, but after one day, his cousin disappeared. Afterwards, he started seeing more people, even knowing that they are getting less and that Rhaelgo was a little more than unvaforable. Disappointed and confused, he started getting frustrated with the government. The ever increasing disappearance had made Seol suspect that the creatures of dark magic had started it all.

Seol himself hadn't believed in magic; but he started to see how his friends also disappeared. One day, he was playing alone when the devil came by, first just watching him until Seol caught up staring. The Alichino hadn't revealed himself; only saying that he need help from Seol. Seol had suspected him, though, noticing that there were no passerby that noticed the man. The younger tried to run away, barely escaping before his brother saw him. Without much ado they left the house, leaving their parents in the care of their uncle's family. Seol himself fainted out of blood loss. The Alichino apparently hit Seol against the wall, breaking his shoulder blade and stabbed the broken bone, thus the blood loss. Jaehyun was 15 back then and just came home from school.

Hours later, he found himself in a village, cold and away from Rhaelgo, looking at the unfamiliarity of it all. The Chief of Senna had told him that his injuries are healing, and that the village would keep him under protection. Seol suspected there was more to discover, but as for now, he decided to keep hiding while his brother return back to Rhaelgo and told his parents of his survival. He currently lived in Senna and his brother become his guardian, though his parents sometimes visit by. His encounter happened when he was just ten years old.


—  rain; if there is no substitute for the cold itself, rain should be a good thing.
—  blue; it's pretty, and so many freshness in it.
—  peace; just waiting, and all of that.
—  darkness; if there is no substitute for the cold itself, rain should be a good thing.
—  any food but raw meat; he. can't stand. unboiled things. ever.
—  coffee; warm or ice, as long as its bitter.
—  Aurora Borealis; Aurora Borealis are almost non-existant in the world, the beautiful iridescence was a sight for those who opened their eyes to the depths of the celestial world.

—  hot; he appreciates warm or cool, but hot gets his nerves all the time.
—  goat meat; a little bit weird to his taste.
—  dirty looks; sad. Living in an ever presented as an eccentric village put him into being a 'weirdo'.
—  writing; being made fun for it when he was just coming to a school. Even now, his writing could be considered an alien's writing.
—  war; though he was put into military training for half of his life, his family holds high the importance of peace, and his skills are only put to use just for a very urgent case. The same hesitation was even put when he encountered an unnoticing Alichino.

Blood — Even if he had killed Alichinos like its nothing, he still felt an unsettling feeling if he saw any; particularly his scar when he took a bath. It felt gross for him; just really, really bad.
Social unrest — When he prefers peace and freedom more than military ways, he had to admit freedom does get its cost; war. He fears if the day ever come by, ever, because if the unstable worlds he had seen for quite some time (if you saw anything weird from him, he somehow was able to keep tabs with political dong).

trivias — 

— His name wasn't Seol; it was Jeon Shimju. But he asked to change it when he was eleven, liking the word Seol.

— Doesn't like Rhaelgo; there is even little place for leisure.

— While he is interested in creepy stories, he doesn't like morbid jokes.

— He never visits Rhaelgo anymore. He doesn't like it.

— His favorite place would be K'Mael or Marxuan; even if there is still unrest, he prefers both way more compared to Irascus or Rhaelgo.

You can't choose em'

family —



Older Brother | Jeon Jaehyun | patient, caring, wise, cool, cautious  | They love each other, period. Even if Jaehyun seemed to be the cooler big brother, they basically help each other, hand-in-hand. Seol is forever grateful for him, and is even delighted to see that his brother is pretty cool about the Kusabi blood in Seol.

Father | Jeon Sanghyung| Quiet, friendly, family-oriented | Sanghyung does have a lovable personality, though the relationship seemed awkward when they knew Seol is a Kusabi.

Mother| Cha Miju | sweet, motherly, loving | N/A (his mother was little significance since he was young, and it was even worse after he moved to Senna, though he still admires and respect her).


friends/Others —


— Best Friend| Jang Dongwoo| goofy, fun-loving, amiable| One sided. Seol looked like he was going to kill Dongwoo any minute now, but Dongwoo's skinship didn't even and Seol's heart melts. As a villager of Senna, Dongwoo was the first to approach him in a friendly manner.

[[ Seol seriously hates being friendly. ]]

the tangled and fraying red string


ual preference — Heteroual.


personality — The girl is persistent on her secret crush, and Seol knows that. Or at least an idea. She is always said to be the cold girl; all honesty, she doesn't even like Seol to the point of infatuation. She originally came from Western Pennisula, and has an idea that badassery is one thing, but being kind to others is another thing, because badass people should be kind for others, but she knows well not all of them are, Seol being the more of the former.

relationship — They barely have any. He didn't even know if she is an original villager, her name, birthday, he doesn't care about her at all. They just know each other and bid their goodbye. Though other Senna villagers would say that they, "Make such a cute couple" because the girl nursed him, though he was only able to see her before she moved out to the other island. Oh, and that the girl blushes a bit when she saw him.

Exit stage left

comments/suggestions — make it in a hurry; I still have exams and this is the night I'm free. Btw, the dramas are Shut Up! Flower Boy Band and Monstar.

scene requests — surprise me.

turn in — back to the story




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