WAH! Why do I love him so much??? oh yeah! I know why...

I love him so much because he's just perfect in my eyes and shockingly{sarcasim} a whole bunch of other girls...

Well, I know why...{my point of view/opinion}

Just watching him for a few minutes never makes my eyes leave him

When he smiles at me, the world stops for a minute

When he laughs my heart beats faster and slower at the same time

And holding his hands....KIYAH!!!! its so soft

Hanging out with him for just a few seconds will make you smile, laugh, and probably have feelings for him by then.

Yes thats how wonderful he is....

If he has flaws..I must be super blind cause I dont see anything at all. He's PERFECT

Saranghaeyo~ <3

Even though im still too young to understand it and know the real meaning,

I LOVE him....I think hehe


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pikachu twiin :) hehe~ I can relate!
i dunno...but he likes some1 tho...
Don't be scared! This happens along life! Even if you ask him out and he says no do not worry! That happens to a lot of people! I have faith in you! Do something! If you don't you'll never know if he loves you or not! You have to know! Ask him!!! Find out! :D I hope you do well! And I hope you ask!
i cant im scared......
i really love him...
If you really love him then go for it and win his heart~ ^^
*0* who is this 'he'?? he seems... TOTALLY AWESOME!!! but dun worry, i won't take him. he's aaaaalll yours hun <3