My first story to go on a hiatus.

unfortunately i'm going to be putting my story "The promise project" on hiatus or in draft. while i had high hopes for it and had everything completely planned out, i feel like its out of my comfort zone for now.

its gonna be based off more action drama and violence but i feel like the first three chapters were completely odd then the fourth chapter is explosive ...

anyway i just feel like it needs heavy editing. plus, while i do have plenty of really mazing plot twists and ideas for it, every time i go to update it i force myself to update.  i dont wanna force myself, there for its going on hiatus until i can think of a better way to portray and get myself more excited about it ^^

idk why i'm typing this here but i guess also i might be putting my current open apply fic on hiatus too;

i realized i still dont know much about how to write an applyfic revolvings around kpop groups, which cause ilove the idea! i'll ponder on it a bit longer tho... this is all..


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