
No one has to read this, it's just that i needed somewhere to put my feelings.

I hate this time of year. When its getting close to valentine's day because it's just a reminder that i've never had a boyfriend, i've never been kissed and i've never even had a guy like me. I see a lot of my friends going on dates or getting engaged or even getting married and i am so jealous of them and their happiness and i just feel like i'll never have that. I just want to have someone special and who loves me but as the years keep passing i feel like there's something wrong with me and i'm not loveable or even pretty. And i hate having friends say to me "oh but you are pretty" or "why don’t you have a boyfriend, you're awesome" and it makes me feel horrible because its been 24 years and i'm still single. Even at work when a new guy started working there, i knew i wouldn’t even have a chance with him because he's too good looking and he would never find me attractive. Why would he when no one else has so far. And then tonight my mom asks me if i'm depressed because i don't want to do anything and now i'm starting to think i just might be. All i do is go to work and go to school. Nothing is fun anymore, not even writing and all my friends have either left or are too busy. I just want to be a normal girl and find a guy and fall in love but these days i feel like it will never happen and that scares me the most in the world.


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Apparently i have a world limit and i still have things to bore u with :)

I find myself to be quite normal and all thru my teenage years, in the summer i was working with my cousin on a private beach, that has a bar a disco etc. She is older then me, a lot shorter and slightly chubby but let me tell u all the dudes flocked to her. And some were mouth watering. To invite her to the beach with them, to dance, they would buy her drinks and i was just there in her shadow, my awkward social self being amazed. Because she was fun, and funny and more experienced in everything, and could hold a conversation with innuendos and just talk back at everything. That is why i also love her so much. She is my favorite relative.Anyway when one of my bffs came to visit she said she expected based on appearance, that i would get more attention from guys.
And i could go on...there is a game show in my country and both finalists objectively have handsome features. But i find one to be so ugly because he is a little . Cocky, laud and rude and mean and not so talented.I can't find him attractive at all, because his personality negates his looks.
And i could rumble forever ....
My point is that looks don't matter that much, it's the way u carry yourself that is attractive. So don't beat yourself down and enjoy your youth.
I can identify myself in some parts so the only advice i can give u, that is already verified by me, is just : be happy. Just search for ways to brighten your days, to be happy and the rest will fall in place.
I know it's hard once u go down that road, when u start having that impression about yourself, but as most things, the difficult part is the beginning. U just have to fight to break those habits. Start small, do things that u enjoy, eat your favorite ice cream, go and buy new clothes cuz new clothes always have a way of making u feel better and pretty, with those pretty new clothes on,go out with your friends, try to go to new places, always meet new ppl, laugh, and learn new jokes, enrich your experiences. I have two reasons why i'm saying this. One is because u won't find a boyfriend cooped up inside, and if he's not in your group already then u just have to go out there and meet him.
And the second reason is because your mood influences greatly how ppl perceive u. A happy, joyful, luminous person is like a beacon. It simply attracts ppl around them. It makes u attractive, and it will influence the way the ones around u perceive u physically also. It's all in the vibes we give, the messages we subconsciously send. I'm sure u noticed this too, and i can also give u numerous examples. Take Daesung for example. He is always chosen as the ugly one but he still has an army of fans.If u showed me a pic of him, without any knowledge of him,i would probably dismiss him too. But ask me know and i will tell u he is ing gorgeous.He's hot and cute at the same time and insanely attractive. It's his personality combined with his looks that make me like him. Because where ppl see an 'ugly' face i can't stop seeing his gorgeous smile. I would give anything to have a husband like him.
I was your age when I met Richie, but I still understand how you feel. It's always hard when you see everyone else paired up and you're not. It's like that for me with everyone getting married. And I find myself saying, "Do I want this because I really want it, or because society says that a woman my age should want it?" And I say all that and keep doing what I'm doing.
I know this sounds cliche, but if you're looking for someone, they won't find you. Once you stop looking, that's when something happens.I was in my senior year of college and trying so hard to graduate when I met Richie. I wasn't even thinking of a boyfriend- which was pretty impressive for me. And I know it's hard not to want a boyfriend around this time of year. I get it. But just keep doing what makes you happy- writing, knitting, talking to us- and keep doing school and work. That way when you do meet someone, you'll have a bunch of cool stories to share. Be patient. You'll meet someone when the time is right for you.
I know this is all cliche crap, and I know we don't know each other very well, but I do like you a lot and think you're an excellent person who just doesn't give herself enough credit. You're good and beautiful- don't write yourself off.
Tee couldn't have said better. She took the words right out of my mouth. Love yourself first Meg. Be confident in yourself and your beauty --because you're gorgeous-- and believe me the right guy will come along sooner or later. Don't push yourself too hard to get a boyfriend. You never know; he may turn out to be an and hurt you in the process, so better stay single than have a heartache. Just be patient and focus on your career ad studies. You're amazing woman. I'm sure the future has some beautiful plans in store for you.
Love you <3
I'm not even sure how to comment on this :( I'm just hurting because you're hurting. But we have had very different experiences with the opposite and so we hold very different opinions on dating and male attention in general. Which makes it hard for me to relate *tight hugs* but I love you and only wish to see you happy. I hate seeing you down. I wish I could snap my fingers and appear on the other side of the world and we could have cute girly sleepover hangs. I'm just gonna say one thing (which I tell all my friends, male and female, and even remind my own mother [because I seem to be the only who thinks this way]) The one person you will spend the most amount of time with in your life, is you. Yourself. You are your own best friend and soulmate and only you can make you happy. You may as well have some fun and love yourself because you're the only person in the world who won't let you down. Oh god, I hope that makes sense. It sounds clearer when spoken out loud.
YtotheB #6
I feel like I relate a little bit to this - I'm 22 & I've never had a boyfriend either. ^^ For me, I don't think about it too much, but being around my friends who are dating or married bugs the hell out of me, so hmm maybe thats why I prefer to just be alone, heh, heh.