To my subscriber and readers.

Uh hey. It's MissFearLess24.

I'm here to announce that I am going stop writing fanfics  I am writing a chaptered OnKey fic (with chapters around , yeay!). My friend, ONKEYsDAUGHTER, and I created the plot for this and it's once again, inspired by my life story.

But since I am a really stupid and forgetful person, I lost the notebook with the first 4 chapters. 

Yeah, you didn't read it wrong. I lost the notebook where I wrote the first 4 chapters. I was so devastated and I tried searching my whole house for it. It will take a while for me to write it all down again since my schedule is gonna get busy since I'm almost graduating in High School. I am actually excited in finishing chapter 5 because I'm gonna start posting the chapters here in AFF by then.

I'm really sorry.

I hope you'll still wait for my next fic. 


-- Jas / MissFearLess24 <3





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awwww too bad on losing your notebook and you had 4 chapters on it. Maybe write it in an email to yourself so even if anything happens to the device, you have it in your own mail.
Losing material is a terrible thing. I had a story written with about ten chapters written down in it, and now I don't know where it is. Good luck with graduating, I know that time is pretty stressful. If you need help with college related things or whatever else you need help with, I'm willing to help.
I am so sorry that happened...losing 4 chapters is valuable. I hope you gain the confidence and strength to write again. I always write my stories in my iPod and if I lose that lose everything I've written for every fanfic I've created