1/ a million of my pet peeves : #StopBeingAnnoying2k15

1. People who judge and hate on what other people like, and they claim what they like is the best thing in the world.

EX: Someone who has a ship and claims that all the others are stupid and only theirs is the best

EX: When someone has a bias in a group but dont think the others are important but yet they claim to be a fan of the whole group, but diss on all the other memebers that they dont like. 

If you like something okay go for it, but dont think you have the right to hate on others and what their interest are. 

All that makes you is a closed minded jerk, and though you may think  people like you, you're wrong everyone secretly hates you and thinks you're annoying.

Be thoughtful of others and what they like, just becuase you like doesnt mean everyone else feels the same way.



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