Virgos Over Wonderland | Han Taewoon | Lead Dancer, Vocalist








Basic Facts


USERNAME: Jumpin4joy


NICKNAME (optional):Tae, 

BIRTHDAY + AGE: April 13, 1998

BIRTHPLACE: Jeju, South Korea

HOMETOWN:Seoul, South Korea


LANGUAGES: Korean & English (conversational)

STAGE NAME (optional):

POSITION: Lead Dancer, Visual

FACE CLAIM: Song Chanho


BACK UP FACE CLAIM (optional): Shin Hoseok

GALLERY LINK (if applicable): GALLERY

HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 179 cm /  75kg

APPEARANCE: Jet black hair with an ear pierce on his left ear. He has pale white skin and bulky-ish arms.

STYLE: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8






 Behind the Mask


PERSONALITY: Taewoon is the youngest child in his family of older brothers and sisters. They are a wild bunch so he was raised the same way. Taewoon was always the one who would play around and never takes things seriously, unless it was about sports or dancing. Being used to being the maknae he was always playful and childish, which in some ways caused more harm than fun. He is balanced with the carefree and clumsy personality, and with the determined and hardworking one. If he has set a goal to achieve for himself, he is going to achieve it. No matter what the stakes are he will try his hardest till the very end. But with this hardworking, determining person comes with a very competitive person. Others recommend never getting into a competition with him, even if it was a game of monopoly, it would be an unwise choice. To sum this all up, Taewoon is like an adult sized child who is still learning to mature.


BACKGROUND: Taewoon was born in Jeju-do, South Korea. He was born and raised on the coast and couldn't remember the last time he has not gon a day without seeing the ocean. Taewoon is the youngest of 5 with 3 older brothers and 1 older sister. Being in a large family caused the household to be quite rowdy. Everyone in the house had an exrtovert personality making everyday there unique. Never would you hear silence unless they are all gone. While Taewoon was in school he was in the basketball team and was their star forward. But that all stopped when he had to move away from his home in Jeju and go to Seoul. His father was relocated and the whole family decided to pack and leave. It was one of the families morales. "To never leave anyone behind." They were all that close and they stayed like that for the longest time until they learned that moving into the big city was not the easiest thing in the world. The pay for the rent of their house was more expensive then the ones in Jeju and that made everyone have to get jobs to help support the house. Everyone except Taewoon since he had to still go to school his parents wanted him to focus on sstudying. He still played Basketball when he moved, but the team that was at his school was already in the middle of the season and he didn't want to mess with that. So instead he joined the dance club that was available there. He juggled through Basketball and dance which made him struggle in studies a bit but he didn't really focus in school in the first place. One day in his dance club he noticed the other members talking and they were discussing about a local dance competion. Never hearing about one before he asked about it and it was a local area thing were dance crews from around the city would go and perform their routinues in front of judges, and sometimes scouts are there. Hearing that their might be scouts there made him even more pumped than he was before. He had the chance to actually become an idol and help provide for his family.  So they practiced and practiced to the competiotion day. Once they arrived at the stage area they were to preform for they realized they had some tough competion. Feeling the nervousness rise in his stomach, Taewoon's friends had to calm him down. Though he still was nervous as ever. It was almost time for his performance and they were backstage. Noticing through the side of the backdrop, he noticed his whole family holding a sign with his name on it. He never felt so grateful of his family until that moment. All the nervousness washed away and he had a smile on his face. Then when it was his teams turn to perform he was confident and more than ready to show them what hes got. And that is when a scout from YG noticed his prescence. He was radiating with enthusiasm and confidence that is was like he was born for the stage. Impressed by his teams performance he talked to them afterwards and offered them an audition, and oh of course they took the opportunity. It was a one of a lfetime chance to actually become an idol. Though with many obstacles along the way, but he finally made it.  (After his 4th try auditioning)







VOCAL TWIN: Gongchan(b1a4)      VOCAL TWIN #2 (optional): 
DANCE TWIN: LAy (EXO)                 
DANCE TWIN #2 Dongwoo/hoya(Infinite)           RAP TWIN:Nichkhun(2pm)             RAP TWIN #2 (OPTIONAL):Mark(got7)




2-5 for each category

-video games








-video games




-Talks in his sleep

-reacting to things while watching a movie

-tap with his foot,fingers when he is bored

-yawns really loudly

-Talking when he isn't supposed too

-leaving food in the microwave and forgetting to eat it

-rambling on when the conversation is already over

-Chews on his straw



-star forward in basketball

-watches a lot of crime shows

-plays the drums

-learnt english from his cousins in america

-fast reflexes

-Made it in after his 4th try


Han chojin|father|54

han sunmi|mother|52

han jongshin|oldest son|26

han minhee|oldest daughter|22

han youngjun|oldest twin|19

han youngwha|youngest twin|19

(Very close to the family)









Scene request: Playful maknae juseyo~ 

Password: Shannon williams: Daybreak rain












Back Up Love Interest (optional): 






coded by edelweiss


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