Seok Lin Ah's Application for Alias


Username: FuyumiMairen
Profile Link:


Birthname: Seok Lin Ah

Age: December 13, 1993

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Height & Weight: 165 cm and 46 kg

Ethnicity: Full Korean


Lin Ah has a bold and confident personality. She is very blunt and straightforward. She is also very stubborn, and keeps a cool persona. She doesn't really get annoyed easily, but if she actually gets pushed to her to her limit then she'll become very scary. She is a bit hot tempered, but only if you mess with her and her friends. She is very eccentric, and can be a little... strange at times. She is outgoing, but can be shy at times. She tends to be very nervous around some guys. She tends to be bitter and a bit cold to them because she is very clueless about love. She has a somewhat innocent mind, but it is not going to that way forever.

Sometimes coming off as a narcissistic person with a air of elegance, she is very princess like. Not the whiny brat though, more like elegant and proper. Often very polite, and tends to use a bit of old fashioned manners, she seems older than her age. She believes manners are very important for the first impression. After that, she just becomes her regular self depending on the person. Lin Ah is also very sharp and can catch mistakes, and other things more quickly than most people. She is very intelligent though it doesn't seems so. She has a bit of a germaphobic personality at times.

Lin Ah is very passionate about things she enjoys and tends to be very competitive about things. Usually it's only about things she's interested in. When it comes to things she's not, she doesn't do it. Her boldness sometimes scares people, but she enjoys that. She sometimes does do aegyo, but she claims it doesn't suit her image even though it's cute. She is very charming when she flirts, but she feigns interest if she doesn't find the guy attractive. 


Before debut, Lin Ah was a regular cafe worker. She worked long and hard because she wanted money for her parents. Her parents weren't exactly struggling, just getting by. She wanted to be less of a burden and decided to do do multiple jobs. During high school, she worked at a cafe, as a delivery persona, and waitress. She came home often late, and very tired. She still studied and got by with B's and C's. She was a very intelligent girl, and studied everyday in the school's library. 

Her social life wasn't very active. She was much too busy to hang out with friends, let alone make friends. She had one friend through school though who helped her through the hard days. Her friend had to move to another city, and she was sad over the fact that she would never see him again. She grew to be a loner, always having a glare on her face. She was dubbed as the Cool and Edgy Princess during her years. She brushed everybody off, and lived life like a regular girl.


Ulzzang name: Moon Ya El





In Dorm:

On a Date:

Talents: She has a talent for singing. Her weirdest talent is probably being able to stuff a 8 inch pretzel in . Plus being able to sound like a guy.


Stage name: Laycia

Persona: Prim and Proper Diva


1st Choice: Lead Singer
2nd Choice: Main Singer
3rd Choice: Jack-of-All Trades

Personal fanclub name & colour: 

Linaics and Rose Pink

Trainee Background: 2 years of training

Other job: MCing


Covert Name: Eagle Eye

Specialty: She has the specialty to hack computers, and to see everything around her clearly. Her vision is exceptional. She can also trick people easily, being able to seduce and cross dress as a man.

Spy Background: 
All Lin Ah wanted at first was money. She knew about the consequences, but she still decided to do it. She knew her parents would be disappointed, but she still decided to do it. Lin Ah grew to be very good at it. She worked hard, and was slowly grew to love it. After she graduated from high school, she did this for the thrill, and all the feelings she grew used to. It felt like a part of her.
Lin Ah went on many missions over the course of three years. She never participated in assassinations though. It didn't feel comfortable to her. She went on and practiced her skills in basic missions at first.

Love Interest: Kevin Woo, November 25, 1991, U-Kiss
Kevin is very optimistic and outgoing. He is kind and caring. He can be very bright or annoying at times. He is also very stubborn, and can act a bit stupid at times. He loves his fans, and is very kind towards them. He can be a overprotective sometimes. Kevin likes to tease people. He is very cute. He is very feminine and girly. He can look like a girl if he dressed up like one. He can be arrogant at times. He is very creative, and can fit into any type of crowd. He is also very competitive, and he states what's on his mind. 
Kevin acts cute, nice, and outgoing around Lin Ah which kind of annoys her. Lin Ah thinks he's weird for talking to her. She usually acts polite, and can hold a conversation with him. She may mistakenly flirt with him, or Kevin may flirt with her, and she has no idea. They act like a bickering couple at times due to their differences.
Kevin and Lin Ah first met while Lin Ah was undercover for a mission. She was dressed up as a regular high school student. Kevin had no idea that she was a spy, and he started to talk to her. Lin Ah was uncomfortable with that since she was supposed to be working. Lin Ah finally just gave him her number so that he would leave her alone. They started to text each other often, and became friends. She supported him and decision to join U-Kiss. Slowly they started to talk to each other less since they were both busy. They knew each for two years then Lin Ah came back to his life.
Nam Woohyun, INFINITE, February 8, 1991
Nam Woohyun is a bit egocentric, and narcissistic. He is called the aegyo king of INFINITE. He can act very full of himself. He is very flirty and can act like a player. He is very popular, and that is why he is full of himself. He can act like a mother with his naggy, and caring way. He likes to cook, and will probably cook for you. He can act a bit childish at times.
Woohyun acts like his regular self around Lin Ah because he feels comfortable around her. He tends to a lot. Lin Ah usually ignores him, and goes on with whatever she was doing. Sometimes she yells at him for being too annoying. He just smirks and mocks her.
They met each other while she was still being a trainee. They started it all by Lin Ah accidentally crashing into him. He was annoyed and Lin Ah wasn't very attentive. She had to buy him new clothes because his clothes were ripped. Woohyun gave her his phone number, and he started to text her. Lin Ah wasn't very willing and instead just ignored him. She grew tired of his endless messages, and she decided to reply back. They knew each other for a total of five months.

Celebrity Crush:
Lee Seung Gi, the actor and singer.
Henry Lau, Super Junior

Chunji, Teen Top

Daesung, Big Bang
They were childhood friends, and Lin Ah completely forget about him. Well, she didn't know how he looked now since she hasn't recognized him. Daesung remembered her, and he started to call her by her nickname that he gave her when they were younger which was LinLin. She was surprised to learn that he became a singer. They act like best friends since they knew each other for a long time.

Victoria from f(x) since Lin Ah thinks she's annoying. Lin Ah thought her as an annoying old lady who acts cute. It irritated her since she hated that. Victoria just was angry when Lin Ah called her a old hag. The two hated each other since. They tend to glare at each other, and act very bitter towards each other.

Co-Author Application:

Name: Mai

Username: FuyumiMairen

Sample of writing: 
(I'm just going to tell you the story of Daesung and Lin Ah's story. Wait... Do you mean by story on AFF or just here? Oh well...)
I stared at the clear blue sky as my white dress fluttered in the wind. It was a regular spring day with the golden sun, the brightly colored flowers, and the smell of cherry blossoms in the air. The only thing on my mind was that Mommy and Daddy were tired when they came to pick me up from school. I didn't exactly understand  the circumstances that we were in, but I knew that there was something wrong. 
I plopped down the grass which moved along the wind. It looked cool to say the least. That was something to see. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun touching my skin. It felt so nice. It was a moment of peace that I could enjoy. Well, at least until a voice interrupted me. 
"Hi!" I heard someone say as my eyes fluttered open. I groaned as I turned away from the mysterious voice.
"You know that's kind of rude to do that?" 
"I don't care." I growled. I heard a laugh. It was a hearty laugh full of mischief. I finally decided to look towards the voice as I stood up. 
He wasn't very average looking nor was he that handsome. He was just different. His fluffy looking brown hair was curled up. His eyes weren't able to be seen as he smiled at me. He was taller than me by a twelve centimeters. I never saw him in Busan before.
"Who are you?" I asked with my voice full of curiosity. He grinned again making his dark brown eyes disappear again.
"I"m Daesung, and I'm eleven. I just moved here. What's your name?" he asked. 
"Lin Ah, eight." I said. "Where did you move from?" 
"I moved from Seoul." 
"Eh? Why did you move here to Busan?" I asked, my voice filled with shock. 
"My mom and dad wanted to move here." he said as he shrugged.
"That's weird." I muttered to myself.
"So why are you here alone?"
I sighed as I sat down the grass again. I fiddled with the edge of my dress as I looked around nervously. 
"Should I tell him?" "Nah, he's a stranger." "But I feel comfortable around him." Were the thoughts that was running through my mind. Hesitantly I decided to tell him all about how the other students made fun of me for always having a flower in my hair. How I never talked to them. How Mommy and Daddy were too tired to play with me.
He looked at me with a big grin. I stared at him as his front tooth was missing. I laughed at him as he chuckled along with me. 
"Hey LinLin, do you want to make a promise?" he asked abruptly.
"LinLin? What kind of name is that?" I wrinkled my nose as I thought it was a ridiculous name.
"Yours. Now do you want to promise that we will always be friends?" he asked with seriousness. I nodded as I held out a pinky for him. He also did the same as he wrapped it around mine. 
"Promise." we both said in unison. We smiled at each other, and I looked at the ever changing sky.
How often are you online: 
Usually everyday unless my mom forces me to go somewhere which is random.

E-mail: I have two e-mails...
[email protected]


  • Can sound like a guy
  • Amazingly can run really fast
  • Cleans when really nervous
  • Played the piano when she was younger
  • Can not cook to save her life
  • Has a collection of stuffed animals
  • Ambidextrous
  • Into photography
  • Likes creepy things and enjoys horror movie


Password: COVER


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