Tagged ^^

1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics?

It'll have been a year next month.

2. How many stories have you written?

I've posted five of my stories, but I have a few more that I'm working on.

3. What is your favorite fanfic that you've read?

I have a few: "The First Kiss Campaign" by killibinbin, "Tilted" and "Compositions and Coffee Beans" by baeknim, "The Son and the Beast" by Endellee, and "Homewrecker" by Taestar. I also really liked this one EXO fic called "Clubrooms and Weirdos", but seeing as the author's (kimidori-san's) profile has been deactivated, I can't read it anymore. :(

4. What do you love seeing in stories?

I love a strong female lead. You know, the kind that doesn't sit around helplessly, waiting for her knight in shining armor to swoop in and save the day. I also like seeing characters grow and develop throughout the story. Oh, and I love it when people do or say something in a story that I can actually imagine them doing or saying in real life. It makes everything funnier the next time I see them trying to act serious and angsty in a music video.

5. What do you hate seeing in stories?

Like I said, I'm not a fan of weak OCs. Or the other extreme, with a Mary Sue. For me, a lead female OC needs to be strong and independent, but not perfect to the point where she's not realistic anymore. She needs to have flaws, because real people have flaws.

6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.

I love being able to post stories I've written and get feedback on them. I also love being able to interact with people all over the world who share my interest in writing and kpop. And of course, I love discovering the awesome stories that other people have written.

7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics.

It's actually quite frustrating the number of amazing stories I've read that get so little attention. Sometimes I just happen to stumble across a total diamond in the rough that I would never have found had I not randomly decided to sift through a certain tag. I don't mean to bash the featured stories, since I'm sure some of them are good, but I don't understand why many of the best stories I've found on this website don't get the recognition they deserve.

I also don't like that a lot of stories here seem to recycle plotlines. Many of them more or less share the same running theme: the popular badboy falls for the shy nerdy girl who happens to be completely gorgeous if you only take off her glasses. Meanwhile, the evil but hot school queenka fights for the badboy's attention while bullying the nerdy girl because she can't understand why anyone would choose her over herself. Maybe it's just me, but this type of storyline eventually begins to lose its appeal after the 1000th time it's been used.

And another thing I'm not particularly fond of about this website is the overwhelming amount of EXO fics. Don't get me wrong, I love EXO, and I write/subscribe to stories about them myself, but sometimes I really do wish there was a bit more diversity. Most of the time, the fics that get featured are EXO-centric, so I'd really like to see some other group fics get a little attention every now and then.

8. What is your favorite pairing to read about?

I'll read any pairing so long as the story is well-written, but my favorites are Ontae, Taekai, and ing/Layhun.

9. What is your favorite story genre?

I like romantic comedies (what can I say, I'm a teenage girl). I also love a good fantasy.

10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?

Everyday, haha. I might be a little addicted...

11. Who is your best friend on AFF?

I've met tons of amazing people, but I have to give a special shoutout to Endellee, Dak-shi, and shainiak. You guys rock <3

12. Who is your favorite author?

Oh man, there are so many. If I had to choose, I'd say my favorites are baeknim, Endellee, shainiak, emchan, and killibinbin.

13. Where do you come from?

I'm Chinese, but I was born in the US. :)

14. If you could change anything on AFF, what would it be?

I'd love it if a larger variety of stories could get featured. Maybe there could be a featured story everyday for each genre, such as one for romcoms, one for fantasy, one for thriller, etc. in order for more fics of different genres to get recognition.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Silent readers. I'm sorry, but personally I feel like if you love a story, you should let the author know. It's really encouraging when people let you know that they are enjoying the work you put out there for them to read.

16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?

I read mostly SHINee and EXO fics.

17. What is your favorite narrative to use in your stories?

For the most part, I like writing in third person limited, but I'm fine with first person too.

18. What is your most disliked sort of story?

I've already sort of touched on this, but basically the ones with clichéd plots and character archetypes that have already been used a thousand times. I'm also not the biggest fan of horror fics.

19. How old are you?

I'll be fifteen next month. ^^

20. Who is your ultimate bias, why, and who do you mainly ship him/her with?

My ultimate bias is Lee Taemin, simply because he was the first to catch my eye and is partially responsible for drawing me into the world of kpop. He's also my favorite dancer in kpop (being a dancer myself, I'm kind of partial to the dancers in groups haha). So yeah, Taemin will always be my number one, but I will say that Zhang Yixing is a close second. ;)

As for ships, I like basically every Taemin pairing, but I especially love Ontae and Taekai. 2min is cute too though. And I also like Jongtae, though I wouldn't exactly call it cute //cough cough INTERNET WAR cough cough//

21. Who was your first group and how did you find out about them?

Technically speaking, my first group was Super Junior with Sorry Sorry, but I didn't get into kpop until I watched SHINee's Lucifer. I found out about it through Youtubers' React to Kpop lol. I think Taemin's beautiful long hair was what sold me.

Thanks for tagging me shainiak! I tag Endellee, killibinbin, and Dak-shi. Have fun! ^u^


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Oh my god, what am I reading? O_O One of your favorite authors? The first kiss campaign? ;__; Thank you... I don't even know what to say... I'm bad with words OTL I'll fill this out tomorrow since it's like two in the morning here, ehehe >_< Thanks for tagging me though! It's the first time I'll be doing something like this ^_^
Thanks for the shout out! And I'm honored to be one of your favorite authors. :3 I'll have to fill this thing out now. This is gonna be fun. Kekekeke
I'm in your fav authors! WHY DO YOU HAVE ME IN YOUR FAV AUTHORS? I DON'T BELONG HERE. But thank you, wow. <3333333333
You're welcome! It was fun to read it, especially the part about you being a dancer (totally judging you for keeping it a secret from me... XD). You're so awesome, gimmie your autograph, hun! ;)