4 Year AFF Anniversary FAQ

Hello, everyone! 

So I woke up this morning, logged onto AFF, and realized I had a little present icon on  the left side of the screen. My first reaction was: yay, presents! (Because I'm inwardly a  self-centered five-year-old.) Sadly, nothing happened when I clicked on it. Not even  hovering over it told me what it was. Is was then that I looked at the date. Wowzers,  ladies and gentlemen, it's been four years since I joined this website! Can I get some  applause?

Thank you, reader/commenter/subscriber/what have you. Can we get some applause for  your loyal selves? My experience here has been four times the richer because of all of  you. As I've said before, I write because I like to. It makes me happy you stick around  because you like to read. I hope, even in the future, no matter what happens, we can all  keep doing things we like. Things that make us happy.

In celebration, the whimsical and implusive me pondered for a few seconds over what to  do. Then, I thought, why not an FAQ? Now is the time for all of you to ask me about my process/stories/characters/etc. in the comment section below! (You can even ask if I like  pizza. Spoiler: I love pizza.) These questions (or comments) will be responded to in this  blog post to form an easy guide to everything about little, ol', boring me. You can ask as many as you like! Merely read or  comment or read and comment, do whatever makes you happy.

Story Questions

What's your current passion-project?

Stray. It's much different from what I usually write; I get to try new things without having to fulfill any preconceived notions I've already created about the story ahead of time. It's as though there's this freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want. I secretly un-secretly love being able to do whatever I want.

Have any stories (not yours) surprised you in a good way recently; or at least brought you joy?

Death Parade. It's an anime; it may be a manga -- I'm not quite sure. The storyline focuses on the concept of reincarnation and the abyss. Specifically, which one a person goes to after death. Couples (together or otherwise) who have died enter a bar-like setting where they play a game that will decide their fate (to have their souls reincarnated or to have their souls enter a bleak, black oblivion).

The interesting part of it is the couples don't have any memories regarding the events surrounding their deaths. Through the game, their memories return, and the way they react in response is what determines their fate. It's an intriguing concept I can't wait to see more episodes of. (Update: The latest episode (4) had me bawling for 15 minutes. My propensity to cry has apparently increased with age.)

Other than that, Tokyo Ghoul -- another anime -- and The Maze Runner series for their brutal imagery and concepts that tug at the action/drama lover in me.

Which story is soon to hit a high note?

The Seeress of Exo & Aftermath are soon to hit their high notes. The Seeress of Exo is going to return to what it was originally supposed to be: an action-intensive, supernatural roller coaster. Aftermath, on the other hand, is literally going places. Tune in to see what I mean.

Which story has a scene you're hungering to get to?

This answer is sure to change with each and every passing day. Possible storylines and scenes run through my head whenever I reach a moment of peace (such as driving or eating). Currently, it's The Seeress of Exo. I can't say much for risk of spoilers, but it'll be both charming and -- hopefully -- hilarious.

What are some of your favorite story quotes?

I’ve been gathering some quotes since you asked this. All three come from Stray — as it’s the only one I can unabatedly pull from as I write it. I'm picky when it comes to picking favorites. As for other quotes, the Springfield Trilogy would take much longer to sift through. If you have any in mind, do send me a message. I’m always wondering what effect my words have on people (it certainly inflates my ego to bursting). 

"Because there was a specific demongraphic of awful human beings who found it entertaining. Enthralling. Invigorating. Addicting. Mutilating their sense of self-worth and self-respect for fleeting second-hand feelings. 

These were the Dog Fights." 

- Stray, Ch.13 "Wrong Place, Right Time"

"After going months without speaking more than a sentence a week, words came to mean something. 'Hey.' 'You okay?' 'Where are you?' 'I’m here.' Words meant someone was listening. 

He was, thus, stunned into silence by the thoughts [they] threw back and forth. Each syllable exploding against his ears like stars combusting before they cross the sky. Little bits of hope he couldn’t dwell on long enough after not having seen the wide, open sky in so long." 

Stray, Ch.16 "Laid Bare" 

"'We’re Angels of Death, Disease, and,' [He] coughed during one of his fever dreams, regurgitating a bubble of bile, 'Discontent.' Not Saviors of the World. Not human in the least. Angels who sailed too closely to the ground. 'Praying to a god to release us from the coils of these mortals.'" 

- Stray, Ch.20 "Nest Egg"

Do you have any ideas for stories in your head that revolve around the real world? (ex; bullying)

I've answered and re-answered this question. I thought it was simple at first. The longer I thought about it, the more complex it became. In fact, the more time I spend attempting to form a response, the less I understand the question. Please let me know if I'm not getting what you mean in the following lines.

First of all, I want to say "no" (currently) to bullying. I do have ideas revolving obsession and attraction in as·phyx·i·a. Family and love are also huge topics for me. Who matters most to Kim Myungsoo in the Springfield series: his brother or his girlfriend? He choses his brother. Love is a subjective feeling. It has many definitions and I enjoy exploring what "love" is as well: exciting; spontaneous; tiring? For a future story of mine, God Wears Glasses, I'll also be looking at what it means to be a good person. (Good: another subjective word.) I suppose I enjoy "real world" topics that look inward, into a person and the decisions they make based on their fleeting feelings. 

In some strange alternate universe where you rule all and anything you do is unamously loved, would you allow your stories to be made into live action films and, if so, would you cast the idols as themselves or would you play a cruel trick and cast different people? 

This is a hard one. I'll say "Yes," however. Only a handful, in fact. Why: a question you might be asking. Some moments can only be expressed through writing. 

A screenplay format would vastly change the perspective of those stories I’ve written omnisciently. If I could make it work, however, and the entire world loved it, why not spend egregious amounts of money to cast the idols themselves? Go big or go home.

Personal Questions

What makes you happy? 

Little things.

Coming home after a long day at work. Screaming at the television during Family Feud. Music I can dance alone in the bathroom to. Proving my best friend wrong by beating yet another video game (when my ability to finish things gets called into question). Students recognizing me and saying “Good Morning” with a smile on their face. The thought that I’ll be going to graduate school to grow even more not only intellectually but socially. Imagine what my writing will look like in two years? It’s exciting. 

Though I’ve been told I’m a happy person in general. It helps to have you guys here to watch me grow, too. Go ‘head with your sweet selves. I hope you’re happy, too.

What's your favorite thing in the world at this time in your life?

Writing. Now that I've reached a point in which work is never done, I never have time to write more than a few hundred words here and there (if I'm lucky). There's that saying: "You don't know what you've got till it's gone." How great it would be if I could spend the rest of my days writing, eating, sleeping, waking up thinking, and doing it all over again.

Do any of your friends know you write stories on here?

Yes and no. All of my close friends know I write stories. I've also discussed my experience posting on an online community with them. However, only a few actually know my username. Only one of them reads my stories (though he's fallen behind). I try not to push my writing into another person's face. So, as of now, this operation of mine is all pretty hush-hush. 

Where does your username come from?

"lilyemc" is the combination of my name (Lily) and the formula e=mc^2. It's lame. I'm lame. Just admit you like lame.

Do you remember when you were first introducted to Korean culture, and perhaps other Asian cultures besides?

Korean culture came to me through a Japanese outlet -- and I received an electric shock. Bad puns aside, I first got into anime and manga because of my father -- who loved Dragonball Z. Then, I turned to Japanese dramas. A drama I watched actually had its intro sung by Big Bang. I looked up the song because I liked it. I grew to like Big Bang. Then Beast. Then Infinite. Now here I am. I found it on my own and I don't think I'd be the person I am today without it -- both the good and the bad parts of me.

If given the opportunity, would you go to South Korea? If yes, how long would you stay there, what would you do, and who would you see?

Yes. I'm not sure. I don't know (the Copiest out of cop out anwers). And whoever is willing to laugh with me.

What got you into writing?

The most stereotypical thing any teenager can yell at their parents: EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING IT! I first got into writing at age 13 when my friends started a Naruto AU story in a wide-ruled, black, spiral notebook. The rules were as follows:

1) Create your own character with his/her own goals, 2) Write in the perspective of this character for one page of the notebook, 3) When finished with your page (and yes, you can fill up the margins), switch it off to the next person in the cycle, and 4) The next person must continue the story from their character's perspective.

I felt left out and asked to join in. The result had me writing multiple anime AU stories (an Ouran High School Host Club AU was one I vividly remember writing with enthusiasm).

From there, I started posting on fanfiction.net. The feedback I recieved kept me writing for a little while, but I soon lost interest in where my stories were going (I was around 14 or 15 then). Over the years, I got into korean culture (see questions above) and started writing GBom stories (16-year-old me). It wasn't until I was a "grown-up" 17-year-old that I began posting Springfield. Thus, I am where I am now.

Could you see yourself writing and (if a company is up for it) publishing a book/series?

Yes. Is there a hidden question within the subtext of this question — because yes. I would love to. For right now, however, I’m going to focus on improving my style. Ever-changing as it is — a “good” thing, in my opinion.

Have you ever joined National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Will you this year, if possible?

No, I have not. In fact, I only learned about the opportunity late Fall of last year. On the same note as the above question, I’m not sure. I could write 50,000 words in 50 days if I put my mind to it. But putting my mind to it is a difficult thing to do.

Let’s make a promise: if I do enter it someday, and finish, read my book? (I’m not even asking you to buy it! Sit at the bookstore for hours and speed read it if you prefer.) I’d love to hear what you think when the time comes.

What's your favorite aspect about writing? The result? The process?

The result, because the process feels like someone’s murdering me with a blunt knife. I mean this in the most brutal way possible. Not because I hate it. I love writing. The world knows this by now. 

Rather, it’s difficult to get the words just right. In the past (aka three years ago) I would simply blurb (aka spew word vomit) until I reached a meaning. Now that I’m both slowing and clipping down, it’s more difficult to convey my thoughts. Thus, the process kills me every time. 

The result brings me back to life.

Can you give a few tips re: how to write?

I’ll give you a quick, 3-step process to broadly encompass this (as equally broad) question you’ve posed me:

  1. Find something you love. (A topic, a character, a storyline, etc.)
  2. Write. (Just start writing. You have to start somewhere, so don’t waste time and just do it.)
  3. Redefine yourself. (Learn something as you write. Think as lightly/deeply as you want your readers to. Write like you’re writing to yourself. At the end of the day, if you make yourself happy, it won’t matter what others think.)

Are you a fan of happy endings, sad endings, or open-ended finale?

Depending on the events leading up to the finale, I’m a fan of all kinds of endings. A happy ending may suit a story filled with grief (should the author’s purpose be to uplift his/her audience). A sad ending may come after hopeless events (should the author’s purpose be to present an irreparable situation). An open-ended finale may suit a story that should never end (should the author’s purpose be to let the story live on within his/her readers).

It all depends on what the author is trying to do/say/make us feel. In conclusion, I’m a fan of culminating endings with the ability to make me do, say, and feel differently.

Why do you stay on this website? What's keeping you here? Have you ever thought about leaving? (And all like questions.)

Multiple times: I’ve thought about leaving. Unconsciously, the idea swims in the back of my head. Consciously, I stay.

If I left, I would regret it. Despite how large the following behind some of my stories appears to be, I see the numbers. The statistics. Only 1/10th of the subscribers on my most “popular” story have read the new chapter. Or, at the very least, clicked on it. How many commented? Four.

Math may not be my favorite subject, but I can count up to four.

Still, if I left, I would regret it. Four. That’s what keeps me here. Those four comments. Those people who took the time to stop, read, stop, think, stop, and comment. For you, it’s worth putting myself out there. For me, it’s worth it. 

I would love to meet you one day. Hopefully.

I've met one of my wonderful readers face-to-face so far. I have no qualms about meeting others, despite my status as a couch potato (where I happen to be now). With my journey here on AFF coming to an end in the next year or so, let's make a meet-up happen, shall we?

FAQ Closed. Thank you.


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i like tokyo ghoul too!! lol so random.
thanks or the writing tips anyway~ i'd love to write a story but i'm a lil hesitant cause my eng is limited DX
this is such a late comment but oh my god i absolutely loooooved death parade the concept and storyline was so unique and yet interesting and madhouse's animation never fails to disappoint
kksuperman #3
Lily <3
Here are my favs, or some of my favs. I only noted these down in my computer's notepad and I'm sure there are others but yeah :) You can also tell, they're all from 'Sunggyu moments'. So really, they're not 'quotes', they're 'moments'.

"Like the fire could only be stopped by him and him alone, you quickly s your arms around his torso, squeezing gently with the utmost of care. He wouldn't have felt any pain even if you attempted to give him a bear hug but that's not why you acted with timidity when it came to your gesture. He simply felt fragile. The idea of him. Him, himself. If you squeezed too hard, he might just break until he was nothing but a weary voice recorded on your voicemail. " - Illusory Chapter XXVI

"I'd never thought I'd see the day." A laugh escaped him, the pad of his thumb tracing circles on your fingers, softly, gently, and yet the contact left you buzzing, "Are you going to cry for me, Hyunjoo?" - Illusory, Chapter XXIX

Staring up at the ceiling, he chose his scapegoat carefully, the frayed ends of your hair tickling at the tips of his outstretched fingers,
"I like it. I like it, Hyunjoo. So, don't cry. Please, don't cry." - Illusory, Chapter XXXVIII

(Why did she cry? I still don't understand up until this date...)

"He held tight to your wrenching head between his fingers. Fingernails digging into your scalp as you fought back against him. Screaming so loudly he thought you would bite your tongue off. Yelling out his name so painfully all he wanted to do was reach up and plug his ears. To stop himself from hearing it. From seeing you like this. He could feel tears, sweat, he wasn't sure anymore, flowing down his cheeks as he kept your head to his lap. " - Illusory, Chapter lxii
I would love to read your book. C: I her by promise to do so.

Making a meet up is easier said than done.
Because I live in the KSA and you in the USA.
But if I drop by I'll try my best to meet up with you. ^v^. After all, I was there once.
Though having you reply to my messages is quite the awesome opportunity.
Have you ever joined NaNoWriMo? Will you this year, if possible?

P.S. I would love to meet you one day. Hopefully.
kksuperman #6
Favorite quotes in your stories?
kksuperman #7
I got a question for ya, Lily :)

Are you a fan of happy endings, sad endings, or open-ended finale?
i do have a few questions hihi

1. have you ever thought to publish a book?

2. can you give a few tips how to write? (i always want to write. but ended up nothing-.-)

3. have you ever thought to leave this site? (i hope no ;)

congratulation on your 4th year here!! thank you for shared your story to me, us. i wish you would update us reader more and more amazing story. :)
1.) Do any of your friends know you write stories on here?

2.) Where does your username come from?

3.) Do you have any ideas for stories in your head that revolve around the real world? (ex; bullying)

4.) What got you into writing?
1. What's your current passion-project? Specifically a story you write that makes you giddy every time you sit down and get back into it. Those are always the best of times. If there’s more than one, spill’em.

2. What's your favorite thing in the world at this time in your life? Anything, from the creative to the mundane, but something you're enjoying. (i.e. Freedom, grape-scented body wash, pizza, etc.)

3. Have any stories (that you don't write) surprised you in a good way recently; or at least was there one that brought you joy? Could be a fanfic, movie, tv show, videogame, play, musical, finger-puppet show, etc. You get it.

4. Do you remember when you were first introduced to Korean culture, and perhaps other Asian cultures besides? I had heard of things like manga in middle school, but knew nothing more than that it was foreign; and didn't hear about the American following of Korean culture and music until well into the 11th grade, and honestly I'm still learning. Where'd/when'd you get your introduction?

5. If given the opportunity, would you go to South Korea? Assuming the answer is a resounding yes, how long do you think you’d spend there, what would you do, and who would you perhaps like to see?

6. This may be vague or weird, but could you mayhap tell me something about a story that’s coming up on your schedule. Like what story has a plot-point that you’re hungering to get to? Maybe point out a story or two of yours that you think will be hitting a high note in the foreseeable future. If not, or in addition, maybe something you’re excited about for your future in general.

Thank you for your time and consideration :) You are wonderful. Here’s to a prosperous 2015. Best wishes.
First off, congratulations! Being honest I’m behind on your reading by quite a while, but you have my word that by summer I'll have caught up on as much of your material as I can swallow. Four years, already; I remember supporting you (in what ways I could) not long after you began your time on this site. I hope you keep doing what you love, Lily, because it makes you happy, others happy, and makes others happy to see you so happy. Happiness abound. But anyway, without further ado, what I was supposed to lead with, questions: