Is it just me or...?

Hey guys! So this is my first time posting on AFF blog site. I'm not too sure if anyone really reads this or its just for personal use despite being an account for a few years. Just like what the title says "Is it just me or...?" Because the post today will consist of a few questions that probably would start with "is it just me or.." Or "do people..."


  1. 1. Is it just me or whenever I start liking a guy, my life seems to turn into a fanfic material? Because this is the second time my life of liking a guy and even my friends have mentioned that its always like a fanfic. Sometimes, a bit too fluffy. Like a typical high school live story.
  2. Do people ever text the opposite every single day but don't talk to each other in real life? However, the two had not texted each other for years. For example, person A and B used to be classmates. Out of the blue, Person A asks B if B is going for an event. Months later, Person B asks A if A is going for an event. Since then, they kept texting each other everyday without fail.
  3. Do people experience this? You used to like a guy who was in a relationship, forced yourself to move on since you knew he was out of your league. Years later, an anonymous starts sending you messages. You start to kind of like this anonymous person because he was being a really nice guy. You got curious so you started to ask questions about it and has enough clues to say who the person is but you wouldn't believe it yourself, thinking its absolutely ridiculous. Only to have your friends tell you that they saw the guy you used to have a crush on staring at you and change of expressions when he saw you with your friends. You grew some balls and just asked this guy up front if he's the anonymous and admitting to it. Your used to be crush who is the anonymous whom you like, likes you back.
  4. Do you ever catch a friend of the opposite stealing glances of you?

***I have to admit, he kind of sounds like Mark from GOT7 when he sends me voice messages on whatsapp.***


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