I'm Late But Who Cares

Like idek what I'm doing.... Maybe in a little late and ik I haven't posted anything in months, but I feel like maybe I should do something special-ish as my first post of 2015. I've been super busy (like dear god save me), but I'm trying. 

So I guess I should thank some people first... I'll copy Carol here for a moment XD. I want to thank Carol first of all. I love her so much and I would do anything for her. We've grown apart since school has started back, but I hope soon we can talk again. She would always listen to me and she understands me better than anyone else ik. I really do miss her. 

I also wanna thank my best friend Bailee because she deals with all my probs in person and I really don't know what I'd do without her. She's so happy and balances out all my sad junk and that's one reason why I love her so much. She's the best, there's no other way to describe her. She'd beat up somebody for me if I asked her to, she cares so much. I'm lucky to have her as my best friend.

Then I wanna thank anyone who is friends with me on AFF as well as reads all my unfinished fics. I really do appreciate it. I'm so busy and sometimes I just don't have inspiration, so I deeply apologize for all the junk I write and that I never finished anything. *bows deeply* I love you guys so much, please stay with me! <3 

Okay so now I'm just gonna describe my year I guess. It's been...... Idek. Weird? Insane? Stressful? Yeah. Stressful is a good word to use. I turned 16 and got my permit (YEAH!), I went to Japan and had an AMAZING EXPERIENCE, I became a junior in high school which mean ACT and more stress. I had a few boyfriends, all of which didn't work out and I really don't even wanna think about it, I made new friends, set and met new and old goals, didn't really achieve much but what I did I feel is important, I got a job, stared at the ceiling more than ever, probably lost some weight and then gained it back, took waayyyy too many selfies, embraced my love of K-Pop even more, kept my grades up in AP classes while having a job when almost every one said I couldnt, cried too much, cared too much, and probably lost 95% of my sanity along the way. But hey. It's what it is. 

As I said, I'm taking my ACT in less than a month and I am in total "go hardcore on ACT prep" mode, as are my teachers. It's crazy. I only have one New Years resolution and that is to get a 27 or above on the ACT. After that, I'll finally be able to apply for colleges and scholarships and that'll mean I'll set more goals and forget more things because my memory is trash, but it's okay because I've got dis. I can do this lol. 

Anyways, yeah. I just felt like doing this because I haven't posted anything in like 3 months. Maybe a story would've been better, but ah well. This is what us get, my ranting. Deal with it 😋 

Okay then. Bye bye guys (until I remember or feel like actually writing anything again). Love you guys! 😊 <3



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lalophobia #1
I love you too BBY OuO and good luck on the act, I gotbibto college without test scores so I didnt care wtf I made on it xD
I hope you can achieve all your goals this year~~ I'm sure you are working hard!! Fighting!!