Conversation with my dad last night

So, my mom, my dad, and I were watching TV last night when the Microsoft Pro 3 commercial came on. You know, the one that has I Am The Best playing in the background? This conversation happened.

My dad: *Gets ready to change the channel*

Me: *Hears commercial* Don't you dare change it yet! *Starts singing and dancing along*

Dad: *Flips through guide*

*Commercial ends*

Me: Now you may proceed.

Dad: Its cartoon music.

Me: *Glares* No. Its not.

Dad: Carnival music.

Me: *Continues glaring* No. Its K-Pop. Its called I Am The Best by 2NE1. It was and still is one of the most popular songs in K-Pop. 

Dad: *Goes quiet*


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Mr_Fanboy #1
LMAO cartoon music... I could see that used in an anime, so maybe it's not too far off!! LOL.