Reminiscing 2014 moment

I really miss what happen back then at 2014 , because there is so many memories that are really beautiful and there is this one moment

 where I don't want to leave ,and it's the year where I got my first kiss and it's on Christmas :D , and of course I'm happy about it , 

I got to meet all my cousins that lived in different country , all happy stuff , but somehow I just feel really guilty , because you know

there's this one boy and I was really stupid at that time and I ask him on a date ,and he said yes , and then I just act like he don't even exist , 

I feel bad for doing that to him , well karma's around ready for me , I should ask for apologies maybe he'll forgive me , who knows right ? , 

mmm , I just have many crush at that time , so I don't even mind about him , I know I'm stupid , ..... K anyeong *waves*



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