So there's this guy on Facebook...


I wanna slap him.

Here's our mini convo. [I translated it though there's not much to translate.]

Him. Me.



Heylo "

"whatcha doing?"



Nothin "

"hmm can intro yourself?"


Umm. I don't like introducing myself. d: "

"ok hmm wat your hp number so we can chat?"


Please don't chat with me. Thanks \: "

"ok y?"

"i just want to be friends?"

Cause I don't want to. "




I'm like; " This motherer is asking for a slap. I don't even know him!.Why the did I accepted?"


-Clicks unfriend button-


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quirkychie #1
I have a lot like that too on facebook that's why I check first whether I know that person before accepting them LOL
taemin_is_my_love #3
LOLOL he sounds like a ! What a retard. I really hate people like that. -.-
Stupid guy! ><
STUPID PERSON. asdfghjklovdfsgred speechless. :O