Something I'd like you to read if you don't mind (it's about politics)

So I made a post about Spain's current political situation in BBU and I'd like to share it with you. My fellow Spaniards can corroborate this.



In Spain, since the 1st January 2015, if you take a picture of a police officer you can get a 200€ ($350) fine and possibly get arrested for it. We can't protest in front of official buildings such as the parliament anymore. The government wanted to prohibit abortion and make it only legal in case it was a pregnancy resulting of or if the baby had some serious disability (the law wasn't approved), and now they also want to approve a law in which you can't denounce domestic violence or physical violence unless you end up in a hospital. We can't watch movies online from Spanish websites anymore, they've all been taken down and the cultural IVA keeps growing, currently at 10%. Where I live you have to pay 9€ ($12) just for the movie ticket in a theater. With the popcorn and water (water, not soda), you'll end up paying around 13€ (which could reach up to $17). For only ONE person. The government is making culture nearly inaccessible. Netflix is set to open this year but the government is studying it 'thouroughly'. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Netflix never reached here. Meanwhile, the IVA to buy luxury items is only at 4%. Basic items such as food or water IVA is at 21%. Doesn't this sound stupid ?

They want to separate schools according to gender. That means, one class exclusively for boys, other exclusively for girls. They want to abolish all languages used in Spain (Catalan, Basque, Galician) in education and only teach in Spanish. They want to make a subject called Religión which is about Catholic Christianism's teachings and prayers COMPULSORY EVEN IF YOU'RE A MUSLIM OR HAVE ANOTHER RELIGION. They also want to make it one of the compulsory subjects that have to be taken in Selectividad (University Entrance Tests). These educational laws unfortunately HAVE BEEN APPROVED. It's called LOMCE. But, technically, it's going to be a while until they actually start working.

The Spanish government is starting to put up a dictatorship and no one wants to see or admit... Meanwhile we have a political party called Podemos with communist ideas that wants to take Spain out of the UN (United Nations) and according to recent polls it's most likely going to win the presidential elections this year. And this party was created in January 2014 for the European Parliament Elections. JANUARY 2014. 1 YEAR AGO.

I don't want to sound pessimist or radical but it kinda reminds of how Hitler managed to control Germany... Country in deep economical crisis + brand new party with new ideas quickly takes over traditional and long-running parties. It's scary.


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