The difficulties of making a roleplay (>_

So,I don't know if any of you who even bothered to even read this roleplay. Either way you guys should already know what that is. Honestly. It's actually pretty fun at first I was kind of like "Why the heck would I even bother?", but then when I finally tried was pretty enjoyable and fun. You guys should try it if you haven't. 

 Anyways back to the main purpose of this blog about how difficult it is to make a roleplay. Ok, I decided to make a roleplay because.....I got interested. I wanted to see how it is and I got tired of facebook rp. Matter of fact I'm starting to hate facebook rps not because the roleplays are bad or's because of Facebook's security checks!!! I can't stand those because it prevents others from RPing. Just warning you've got to know...once one person gets security checked your ALL GOING DOWN. It is seriously torture. That's why I made my rp kikbased. Ugh, first off I gotta tell you making themes and layouts for it was a... excuse me while I curse.. it was a ing . I even gave up on it, but luckily my friend did the layout and I gave her all the information for the rp. So now it so PRETTY!! Now the real problem is getting people's attention. So far we have 8 people and I'm like worrying here like "Oh My God....What if no one else wants to join because no one else applying" 

I mean I'm advertising, just ugh. How do I get more people to join my roleplay 

Here's my Roleplay


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