Advertising Stories on People's Walls

Okay, so recently, this random user asked to to check out her story and to tell her what I thought about it. So I was like, "Sure, why not? I feel like helping someone out." 

And so I read it; now I must admit that the story line was pretty interesting, the only thing that got me was the constant grammar and spelling mistakes. Now, a few mistakes here and there are understandable, I tend to make a number of mistakes as well, but the thing is, her's is so reoccuring that it not only disrupts the flow of the story, but also the set mood that it's supposed to have. I really can't take the story seriously if there's so many mistakes. If you type like, "I'M MAD AT U CUZ UR SUCH AN ASSWHOLE!!" I will either crack up or cringe, one of the two.

And not only that, but there was a constant switching of first POV and third POV. She would start off with maybe, first POV and in the middle of the paragraph it would randomly change to third POV, and it would be like that throughout the chapter. It annoys me to no end whenever I read that, but I continued on because I was curious as to where the story was going. 

So yeah, anyway, I wrote a comment (actually two in total) that pointed out some of her mistakes, telling her how she could fix it and improve her story, and then in the end I said that I was interested in her story. I didn't bash, I didn't say anything bad, but just pure critique.

But after a couple of hours or so, I checked back to see that my comments were gone

They were ing gone. 

After I took the time to read through her story, despite the mistakes. After I took the time to look for examples and writing ways in which she can fix them. After I pointed out well thought out advise that could really help her out. In the end, AFTER CLEARLY ASKING FOR MY DAMN OPINION, she deleted them.

I'm sorry, but that really pisses me off. 

Like, I didn't have to read it. I really didn't, but I wanted to because I'm usually open to read any story, but the fact that she asked me for my opinion and she just got rid of it.

I thought that that was really disrespectful and rude. 

It's just ugh-- 

Sorry guys for reacting like this. I just needed to get this out. I'm just-- alkdsfalkfj pissed off, plus it's really late at night. Like, how would you guys react if someone did that to you, even after they asked you for your opinion? 

Goodnight, I love you. Take care.

- Keii


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Ooh...She's so mean. I mean, you're just trying to help her.
kolmilyo #2
some people can be so touchy.
but it's their prerogative.
now go on reading and reacting.
I understand you... i sometimes feel the same way...
I understand you... i sometimes feel the same way...