
Can u tell me an app to make a poster? just like those poster designer on aff? i have been dying to make one.


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-Fairytales- #1
I use gimp bc i can;t get my head around photoshop ._. I think it's harder to use photoshop than gimp :]
kinri08 #2
Mostly people are use photoshop but since this app not free, people usually use gimp too
As for me, i bought the photoshop programs because for me, photoshop is easier than gimp
baka_ming95 #4
Photoshop ^^
-Fairytales- #5
Gimp is the best. I use gimp all the time and I get the same results when using Photoshop. Photoshop requires you to pay, which is a turn-off for me, and also the tools are confusing. Photoshop is more advanced, though. But I would recommend Gimp.
photovisi? fotoflexer? if you want to do it online. but not the best.
I use gimp^^ It isn't an app but a programm you can easily download on your computer^^
I use Photoshop ^^
It isn't an App,but what about Photoshop?