❝ 미스틱❣ɱɣȿtıɋųɛ ❞ Kang Dahyun

  Kang dahyun
— danni / short for her name and her stage name so everyone calls her this
— da-yah / given to her by chanyeol because it's part of her name and it basically means 'my everything' in korean

AGE ♡ 20
BIRTHDAY October 8th 1994

BIRTH PLACE  Gwangju, Korea
HOMETOWN  Gwangju, Korea

— korean / fluent / native
♡singing is all I've ever had

  mirror, mirror on the wall
FACE CLAIM park hwan hui

gallery /

APPEARANCE She has long chocolate colored hair which is usually wavy or tied up in a ponytail, a mole under her left eye and both her ears are peirced. She likes wearing blue lenses for schedules as her trademark. She stands at 165cm and weighs 50kg. Her body is like Kim Taeyeon's. 
STYLE She's got a very gentle, feminine style and blouses are her favourite, but at home she couldn't care less whast she looks like. While chilling at home, her style is laid back but she has a thing for oversized clothing, especially big woolen jumpers - and later in the story, her boyfriend's hoodies. She hates animal print but loves floral print and neutral colours like beige and white, occasoinally baby blues and pinks. When going out, heels and all that are a must too - since she feels she's a little on the short side - anything feminine is good. During special occasoins she likes wearing scarlet red. Her winter wardrobe is a little darker with more neutral coours and jeans and jumpers
  but looks aren't everything
— meticulous, hardworking, absent minded, playful, detached

Some wonder if Dahyun is actually listening to the things they're telling her or if she's zoning out. She walks around with a distant smile on her face, always drifting off into her own little world. She's bubbly and never seems to take anything seriously, throwing her head back laughing whether the joke was funny or not. At first glance, you'd expect her to be calm and gentle, not playful and a social butterfly. She is also quite flirty and playful, saying shameless and slightly erted things in order to get reactions out of everyone. All these traits and the fact that she can never concentrate doesn't seem like the traits of a top kpop star. The truth is she's never had an affinity for studies or anything else. She won't work hard and concentrate unless she's doing she likes. She is quite easy going, always just going with the flow and never really putting much effort into everything she's doing. Some would mistake her for being lazy but it's actually becuase she hates confrontation and conflict and will do anything to escape it, but she is seen as the middle ground between two parties and when people in her group are arguing because she is able to see from different perspectives becuase of her compassionate nature. She is also quite the people pleaser, who seems to put other people's emotions before her own and forgets herself and really can't say no to people. She doesn't like going out much and her life basically consists of eating, sleeping and singing but that's the way she likes it. She's such a lazy . Change is also not her thing, she likes everything balanced and constant. Stability is what she thrives on, which is why if she meets a new unfamiliar person, she would go running for the hills. It takes a while for her to stop being so shy and awkward and stop hiding behind her other members before she can actually become friends with someone. People also tend to think of her as indecisive because she takes a long time in making decisions. She thinks over all the pros and cons of her options again and again because she is scared that if she picks the wrong decision, everything she's ever worked for will come crashing down. She hates being rushed or restricted and in interviews, she is always sincere and honest. When being controlled by the staff to say and do things she doesn't want to, she will hate it so much but will go along becuase if she doesn't she could risk bringing her entire team down with her. 

However, everything changes when she gets on stage on stage. The playful sparkle in her eyes will swap for one of concentration and determination. She's hardworking and passoinate; singing is all she's ever had. She watches over her members as well as working on improving herself becase she believes they'll go on for a long time and that they're family despite the disputes that they may have and she loves every single member. She's meticulous and always points out what to do or corrects them if they go wrong, this can sometimes annoy or anger her teammates but she only means well. She's not the best at dancing but she enjoys it. She's got a very elegant - kind of like ballet - way of moving when she dances. She's always striving to make herself and her team better - in a way she is a perfectionist - even if it means picking on the tiniest of details. No matter how much she sings, it'll never be enough to satisfy her and she wants to be singing every second of the say. She doesn't mean to be a but if someone can't dance or sing very well or is slightly half hearted abuot it, she'll get in a bad mood. Everyone else is working hard, why can't they? It is only in this time that she will speak up and confront them, she hates injustice and it's not fair to eveyrone else who works hard is one person is not pulling their weight. This works ice versa as she never wants to drag down her team or disappoint anyone. She will usually self loath or feel like if she was to create a scandal or go off tune during a preformance. She has trouble saying her inner feelings and how she feels but this translates into her singing, which helps her sing with more emotions. But sometimes enough is enough. Once she cracks, there's no winning in an argument agaist her. she does so much for other people, she can at least have one moment to blow up, right? 
  dig a little deeper
PAST Her father is a doctor and her mother a college professor. She always had so much pressure on her to become as great as them and always tried to study hard for them but she realised she coudln't have cared less about physics and geography and whatever else they tortured her with. Her middle school music teacher introduced her to singing and she fell in love with it. She'd never really told her parents that she wanted to become a singer because they were always pressuring her to become a doctor or something, even if she'd talk about music or her singing, they'd always tell her it was just a hobby and could never be a career. They never once came to any of her school concerts or plays even if she begged them and she soon stopped trying to get them to accept it. On a trip to Seoul to visit her grandparents, she  snuck away and auditioned behind her family's back. When she got accepted, they were really against it but she insisted this is what she wanted to do and threatened to run away. Her parents let her become a trainee because they thought, "she'll come back to her senses soon." 

PRESENT Even to this day, her parents are strongly against it, even going as far as sending her brochures for colleges and medical schools through the mail. Sometimes they'd deny and completely disregard the fact that she's going to do music. Everytime they talk on the phone, they're telling her to quit. This effects Dahyun more than she lets on - not that she will let it on at all - but she carries on as normal. Everyday consists of singing, because she wants to and she loves it, not because she has to. And in her spare time she will probably laze around her house or go out quickly to buy grocceries. SHe usually just sleeps or eats at the dorms and watches pocahontas on repeat and is too lazy to go out. 

TRIVIA  likes: the cold (it makes her feel more alive), mangos (favourite fruit), bubble tea, mango bubble tea, the film pocahontas, action films, the colour red (it's just her colour, don't question it and don't take that red outfit, it's hers). dislikes: being bored, half hearted people, being in physical pain, ghost stories (she's easily paranoid), silence and being overheated (because how suffocating is that?) she likes songwriting and most of it is usually based on her first love. she is obsessed with horoscopes and tarot cards. her first love was her best friend, she writes most of her songs for him (e.g goodbye summer). habuts: playing with her food, humming ot herself when it's silent, abusing her lips (biting, peeling, liking) 24/7 for no reason. she's a picky easter (ew veggies ), she covers up her face when laughing with her hand, hair; anything she can find. doesn't cry easily. eats skittles by colour (red last because they're her favourites), has to have even numbers for everything - like the amount of fries she eats of the volume on her ipod. when in the car she won't speak and just rest her head against the window (she always has to be by thewindow) and listens to music (has to listen to music or she'll feel carsick) the music she listens to usually affects her mood, she listens to sad songs when happy and even sadder songs when sad. breaks up sandwhiches into little bits before eating, leg shakes everytime she sits, doesn't know when she's being rude and doesn't fall sick easily therefore she has no idea how to look after herself when she doe.s 
  never forget
mother/ kwon yura / 40 / ambitious, stubborn, short tempered, charming
really against her daughter being a singer. she doesn't think it's a good career path and really wants her to be a doctor - mostly so she can show off to her friends - and is quite materialistic, always having the latest bags and whatnot. 
— father/ kang ho dong / 45 / workaholic, perfectionist, intellegent, closed minded
he is quite stoic and distant from his daughter because he's always at work bt decides if she's happy, so is he but he just is too easily influenced by his wife and is unable to communicate his feelings in general. 

close friend / Irene / 23/ quiet, shy, sweet
Dahyun gets Irene to come out her shell a little, the two trained together before Red Velvet's debut and they always wanted to stand on stage together. They're quite close and help each other when times get tough as well and hanging out and letting off steam. 

  bright lights
   they love you..
PERSONA  The Passionate
 Main Vocalist
VOCAL TWIN  Kim Taeyeon
DANCE TWIN  Kim Taeyeon
FAN CLUB  Dandelions || colour red ff0033
— Instagram / MysticalDanni
was the girl in EXO's Miracles in December MV (the one who just stands in front of Sehun lol)
  Park chanyeol
— Yeol/Channie/Yeollie/Chanyeollie / short for his name and she alternates between them all and only calls him Chanyeol properly when she's being serious - or they're having a moment heh - but watch out for when she calls him 'Park Chanyeol' because she's probably pissed. 

SUMMARY He;s one ball of sunshine.But with fame comes the pressure of always having to live up to expectatoins. If he's shouted at during practice or just critised in general, he'll wallow in self hate and pout while trying to think of ways to improve himself. He hates it the most when he comes to detest what he used to love so much because of the pressure, music is becoming like a chore to him. Since he's an idol he's bound to be a little cocky and isn't very grounded. He's got his head up in the clouds and is blinded by the bright stage lights, always striving towards perfection. He hates feeling unimportant and is always craving attention. He hates when people touch what he deems 'his'. He's a free spirit who can drag his heels quite hard. He's confident and flirty and never leaves anything half finished. He knows what he has to do to get what he wants and is willing to get a little manipulative if it speeds up the process. However, he's extremely soft hearted and loyal and woul ddo anything to put a smile on the faces of those he loves. 
♡let me take careof you from now on♡
  soul(mate) searching
FIRST MEETING  They met during the MV filimg and they small talked here and there. Afterwards, he was designated to be her mentor when it came to composing and song writing because they found she had a talent for it. 

RELATIONSHIP  If she ever needed help or was upset, she would call him and he would come runnning to her. He saw her as someone different because most people in the industry would only be in it for the fame and glamour but she has so much talent and passion, he wanted to protect it os she doesn't come to resent it one day like he does.They like messing around and he has a thing for tesing her. He is overly affectionate but she returns it tenfold. They are always there for each other and support each other no matter how. bad scandals may come out about Chanyeol but Dahyun will always believe him and stand by his side. Whenever he starts hating music and regrets ever choosing his career path, he thinks of her who bring shim back to earth, it's in these moments he'll think he'll go insane and thinks she's all he has left. Hence the reason why he calls her 'da-yah'. Even after her debut everyone knows them as best friends and they don't mind who'se watching or how many eyebrows are raised at their overly friendly friendship. He likes taking her out to the aquarium/amusement park/ dinner/to get bubble tea, whatever, he'll even come over to her dorm when she's too lazy. 

"It's not a date...unless you want it to be." 
One of the stupid reasons why she's in denial about his and her own feelings ie because in the past her first love - and many of her other crushes were Sagiattrius' - like Chanyeol - he's just too similar to the guy who did nothing but hurt her in the past and she's scared it will happen again. Whenever Chanyeol does unintentionally say something that hurts her - because that's what Sagittarius' do - she'll scowl and just be all like, "ing Sagittarius these days."

CONCLUSION Chanyeol tries confessing but she doesn't believe he oculd ever like someone like her so she brushes it off. He carries on dropping the heaviest hints known to man and whatnot. He has the subtlety of a sledgehammer.In the end she confesses and kisses him first even though he technically beat her to it ages ago but he likes it nontheless. 
  any last words

SCENE SUGGESTIONS tafter she debuts, her parents call her and tell her back out before it's too late. she starts crying and chanyeol runs to her and comforts her. Chanyeol complains that she never writes songs abuot him (after they start dating) and gets upset because he thinks she's still hung up on her first love an that she'd go running back into his arms if she could. In their next album she releases a self composed song (maybe TTS - Only U? 'cos it's all like 'you're everything 've been looking for~~') which is all happy and sweet unlike her other depressing one sided love and in the thanks to bit of the album she writes 'and you said I never wrote about you.' 




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