赤い糸 ― Han Sojoong。

han sojoong's string of fate.
CHARACTER NAME: Han Sojoong [한소중]
» Joo - generally called this by everyone because she thinks her actual name (meaning precious/dear) is too burdensome and she taints it
» soju - called this by her friends when they want to
BIRTHDAY: 8th October 1993
AGE: 21
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, Korea
HOMETOWN: London, England
» korean (fluent)
» english (fluent) 
APPEARANCE: Has chocolate brown hair that goes up to her shoulder blades, no one really notices but she shows her emotions through her locks; dying or cutting it when she feels like she needs a change or a new starts, tying it up when she's concentrated and curling it when she wants to look good (probably for the guy she took an interest in). Both her ears are pierced and she has quite small feet (220mm) which she usues as a scapegoat every time she falls over, you'll usually see a hickey or two on her neck from the night before. 
FASHION: Despite being a person who parties and sleeps around a lot, it doesn't really reflect in her wardrobe. Her clothes consist of tops, jumpers, sweater, jeans and shorts. A majority of them are pretty dark coloured and she is either in her house with loose sweatpants on or outside with tight jeans on, there is no in between. Apart from those summer nights when she waks around her house because she hates the heat. She is y and she knows it. Her clothes are usually pretty plain and she chooses to acessorise over them or complete her outfit with a nice pair of heels or boots. 
HEIGHT: 168cm
WEIGHT: 55 kg
PERSONALITY TRAITS: evasive, free spirited, impatient, careless, impulsive
ELABORATE: Sojoong is a complete and utter free spirit, she hates being constricted and held down, rules are meant to broken and she is not afraid of breaking them. She is impulsive and reckless, you'd have to hold her back at the zoo in case she suddenly thought it was a good idea to jump into the lion's den, again. This daredevil will do the first thing that comes to her mind becase she is scared she will regret it later in life and probably laugh her head off when she escapes yet another brush with death. She isn't bothered by much and will take whatever's thrown at her - unless you actually threw something at her - with a smile but won't hesitate to challenge you on it. Despite being so uncontrollably stupid, she is well aware of the consequences that come with her actions, she will take the lectures on with a fake apologetic smile because she knows she deserves it.
If she accidently killed some idiot because they'd annoyed her - and because she's impatient and has a short fuse - she would probably hand herself in. Eh, she doesn't regret a thing. Besides, she knows her friends care about her when they're lecturing her about safety and you could have died and the loyal, affectionate side of her just wants to kiss them to smotherines because she loves her friends so much. She is usually quite affectionate with her friends, as a way in saying 'thanks for putting up with my even though I'm a .'  

Seeing as she's a free spirit, she would hate anything getting in the way of her freedom and independence, she always wants to live life like it's her last and with no worries. Which is probably why she darts from perosn to person all the time instead dating them properly, she's had her fair share of one nightstands and flings, none lasted long enough to start feeling anything for them though. Even if she had she'd run away as soon as her heart began to skip beats. She doesn't do feelings, there's just too much hassle with them and she can't communicate her feelings properly either. She can talk about anything under the sun for the entire day to spite you, annoy you or even just to make you smile but in the face of emotion she is silent. is evasive as and hates confrontations, especially when they are aimed to try and make her change her ways. She doesn't want to be tied down with someone for the rest of her life. Sharing a life with them means she'll have to share her feelings, worry about their feelings and it's just all so much easier when she's on her own. Even when doing reckless with her friends, she'd immediately stop as soon if she was risking someone else, if it's just her it's fine but if she's dragging someone else down to the pits of hell with her it's not. 
» likes: the colour red, mangos, le disney movie pocahontas, action movies, the cold, bubble tea, mango bubble tea unf
» dislikes: being bored, silence, the heat, physical pain, ghost stories, horror movies, when you stub your toe on the edge of a table
» she is allergic to seafood
» can handle spicy things and alcohol really well
» if she ever does get drunk (which would probably take her a month of non stop drinking) she will become the most depressed drunk ever and cry everywhere and curse everything that she sees
» when she's nervous she will fiddle with her fingers and rub her wrist bone
» she doesn't get sick often and doesn't know how to look after herself so she will probably do nothing and carry on as normal, not even taking and medicine
» whenever she laughs, she'll laugh all loud and obnoxious with her head thrown back
» scared of blood
» tries to do things randomly (like when eating skittles or colouring but then she'll realise no this colour's next to the same one here or I just ate the same coloured one though...) 
» she laughs at everything, even - especially - the failed jokes and laughs a little louder when no one else does because she feels a little sorry 

BACKGROUND: She grew up in a pretty rich family, both her father was a heart surgeon and her mother a housewife and when she was 8 they immagrated - her entire family, grandparents and all - to England. She grew up hearing her mother complaining about how she had to leave her job after having children and getting married and why the did I marry so young, worst decision ever but she knew her parents still loved each other. This is probably where she got her mindset from, that she should enjoy everything without being tied down or she'll regret it later. Life really didn't get in the way much, it was her stupid older sister that got in the way - she loves her really - always killing the fun and acting as her mother when their real on wasn't looking. Thank god, the party pooper moved back to korea for university. Her grandparents didn't have much to do with her life other than the fact that she always had to get them water and whatnot. 
MOTHER : Kang Yura / 35 / housewife / stubborn, hot headed, charming, caring
» they are pretty close and Yura is always worrying over her daughter but Sojoong tells her to stop babying her. Yura is usually the one she goes to when she needs advice though and the latter waits for those momoents because she knows she can't go interogating her evasive daughter. 
FATHER : Han Jung Hwan / 40 / heart surgeon / hard working, observant, kind, sweet
» Junghwan wasn't around home much so he was a little more distant with both his children. Because he is such a kind soul, is usually the scapegoat and is yelled at a lot despite him not diong anything. Sojoong htinks he is underappreciated and sticks up for him in those moments and the man then smothers her in love.
SISTER : Han Seo Ah / 26 / doctor / bright, bubbly, stubborn, nosy
» Han Seo Ah is the more toned down version of her sister, she is all the noise, brightness and friendliness without the recklessness and fear of commitment, she is even living with her soulmate, Jung Dae Ho. She is quite nosy and is always trying to get her sister to stop being to stupid all the time, sometimes she even meddles in her love life and she has her mother backing her up over the phone so Sojoong can't really argue. 

LIFESTYLE: When she graduated in England, she decided she got bored of the stupid place and wanted to go back to Korea because I need to feel more asian. Her parents stayed behind in England because of her father's job and her grandfather's ailing health. Currently she is living in an apartment by herself, her sister was meant to be rooming with her but she decided to go share with her boyfriend instead but she does drop by a lot to check up on her, it's like she actually does live there. She calls her parents every day because her mother is insistent and usually sends school nights doing her homework or watching pocahontas on repeat. On weekends, she goes out and parties away. 
PAST RELATIONSHIPS: This commimentaphobe went no where near relationships, a few flings here and there but nothing too serious. She did enjoy those flings and even though they didn't last long, it left her with a sort of thrill and yeh, she admits that she did enjoy playing with them more than necessary and none of them ended on a good note but she still sims across the club, looking for her next mistake. As long as she doesn't get attached or develop feelings for them, it's a game she's willing to play.
THOUGHTS ON THE RED STRING OF FATE: Um...it's . When I find who's on the end of my string, it'll end my freedom. I even tried to cut it off one...didn't work, though God, but the time's going to come eventually, right? Some people don't actually find theirs ever though...let's hope I can be one of those people. 

HOW WOULD YOU REACT TO FINDING YOUR SOULMATE?: I would run away and pray to god he didn't notice me or the red string connecting us. 
ACTIVITY: I'm always on here
PASSWORD: x <-- not all of it but most
SCENE REQUESTS: she is sick and doesn't know how to look after herself so chanyeol does it for her
LOVE INTEREST: Park Chanyeol
BACK UP: Byun Baekhyun
BIRTHDAY:  27 November 1992
AGE: 22
PERSONALITY: He is very bright and fun loving and gentlemanly but quite careless. Chanyeol is always forgetting or losing things, most of the time his own footing. The giant is always tripping over things - usually his own lanky limbs - and bumping into things, especially people shorter than him - "where did you come from?". He's friendly and making friends comes easily to him. In those rare occasoins when he looks cool, he'll usually ruin it by tripping over some cable he brights mile that spreads across his face as he laughs at himself will make it all better. 

He's so optimistic, so much it's almost annoying but at the same time, he's a lazy , especially in the morning when he acts like his soul left his body. He never leaves anything half finished and knows what he has to do to get what he wants and if the time calls for it, he's prepared to be a little manipulative to get it, but until then he is willing to be patient. He's quite straight forward and can say the awkwardest sentences in the wrong times, he says whatever cmoes to his mind and doesn't worry abuot making a fool of himself or notice if he's hurt someone until it's too late. He has the subtlety of a sledgehammer. He's known for half assing a lot of but he's the happy virus so people let him off. He is piercely loyal to those who are close to him and would lay down his life for them. 

RELATIONSHIP: So...their first meeting was in the morning. While they were in bed. With each other. . Chanyeol was still sleeping, but Sojoong woke up straight away when she saw the red string attached to them. Without even think she collected up her clothes and woke Chanyeol up in the progress. "Huh? Where are you going?" She doesn't answer and runs straight out the building. 

"But I thought you got with me because you knew I was your soulmate- oh...ok...bye?"

The second time they meet, it's when Seo Ah calls her over to her house because Yura - her best friend - is back in town after a buissness trip and she bought a friend. When she gets there, it turns out the 'friend' is the hot stranger from the other day - night? - and this time she can't run away. Chanyeol has always been a romantic when it came to matters of the heart and he admits he was a bit foolish to think that everything would fall into place when he found his soulmate. But this time he's not going to let her go. 

"Sure, it's ok if you don't want to be with your soulmate, but how would you soulmate feel? If they had to die alone because of your selfishness?" <-- this gets to her. 

Seo Ah then suddenly suggest that they start living together because 'you're going to get married later anyway." Yura is more than happy to get rid of her brother, who doesn't seem to mind the new arrangement either. Sojoong on the other hand feels like crying. 

"but soulmates don't even have to be romantically involved...we could just be friends...?"

Afterwards, he is always there for her when she least expects him but needs him the most, whenever she's in trouble or feeling down he will come running to her and try to cheer her up. Sometimes he forces her out to amusment park dates or just to get some bubble tea or sometimes they'll watch pocahontas together, even though they've probably watched it like 50 times already. When he chooses to make advances - which haven't always been failures - she still tries to run away or slap some sense into him but even she can't deny Chanyeol is ing hot. He treats her with patience and care. She's like an easily spooked animal and he has to be careful. 

"Stop calling me Sojoong, no one calls me that anymore."
"What can I do? You're precious to me."
" off you cheese ball." 
"What have you got against cheese balls?" 

When she does finally accept the inevitable - he's hot, she's hot, they're destined to be together, things will happen - she confesses in the most trivial way on earth. 

"How the did I think we could only be friends?" 



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