✷ dance team ⫶ Kang Yeseul



` ( Ari-yah )  `( Ari ) ┊ ` ( 6 )
〔  ┊dancer's profile 
identification is necessary!
name — Kang Yeseul
nicknames — Seul - it's short for her name and those close to her call her this. Kangtain - her dance team members call her because it sounds like 'captain'. 
birthdate — October 8th 1996
age — 18
ethnicity — Korean
birthplace — Gangnam, Korea
hometown —Gangnam, Korea
languages — Korean (fluent || native), English (conversational || school) 
  ┊jersey sizing
— you're an official team member now
first choice — Gam Da In
visuals 1 2 3 4 5 || Gallery
back-up — Seo Sung Kyung
visuals 1 2 3 || Gallery
appearance — She stands at 165cm tall and weights 50 kg. She has a mole underneath her left eye, her earlobes are pierced and she has straight, silky chocolate coloured hair that reaches up to her shoulder bones. 
style — She likes to wear very elegant and womanly clothes, whites and neutral colours, anything that is gentle and light. Clothes must be easy for her to move in so it'll be ok if she is to suddenly decide to go to the studio for an impromptu dance rehersal. 
  ┊going for 1st place
— we belong in the winner's circle
traits — perfectionist, prideful, detached, loyal, dependent
personality —Yeseul was raised as the only daughter of a rich household, so obviously she would be everything a woman should be. She was raised - or should I say brainwashed? - to not be loud or reckless, hold in her emotions and smile like everything is rainbows and unicorns in the presence of others as well as carry herself with grace.Her parents have dictated every single bit of her life for her. She could do nothing but go along with everything because it'd been wired into her brain that she had to listen to them. In a way she's a bit of a people pleaser, just going along with everything in order to keep everyone happy. She likes order and balance, it keeps her grounded when her life feels like it's falling apart. She plans everything out, down to the last minute and will probably have a mental breakdown if anything is to go wrong with that plan. She likes plans, she likes stability, it reassures her that she's got everything planned out. Since childhood, Yeseul has always been protected and watched so she never gets hurt, never has to do any work and never has to deal with anything to do with the outside world. She's always had people by her side to do everything for her, which has lead to her being very dependent, but it's not because she wants to be but because she seriously doesn't know how to do anything. Though she does try to be a little more independent, it usually backfires: she can't cook, clean, she can't even open a can of coke. It's gotten to a point where she doesn't even need to ask for help, they'll come to her instead and offer it as soon as she is given a job and who is she to refuse them if they're insisting? Even they know she can't do anything by herself. She always needs someone to hold her hand because it's all she's ever known. 

However, that all changes when she starts dancing. Dance is her territory, it's the only place where she can take the reins and not be smothered with overbearing servants or have her parents breathing down her neck. When she's dancing, the dead look in her eyes changes for one of concentration and determination and she becomes hardworking and confident. She watches over other dancers well, pointing out what to do and correcting them if they go wrong. She's nice enough the first few times but if you're constantly making mistakes then she'll lose her patience. She doesn't mean to be but if someone can't dance very well or they're half assing she'll get in a bad mood and will most likely confront them about it. T
hough she's never really been described as nice, seeing as she never really opens up herself and if you're not considered on of her 'friends' then you'll receive some pretty cold treatment. However if you do manage to befriend her then she will love you and shower you with affection and smiles and loyalty, as a way of saying 'thanks for sticking around even though I'm a .' Above everything else, she's so serious about dancing it's scary but after perfectly executing one of her dances, she will smile so brilliantly, it will make you forget being chastised by her. However, if she is to keep messing up she will start this whole cycle of self loathing and will not stop practicing until she has nailed it, this usually ends up with a few tears and bruises. Pressure just makes it worse, she hates being put under pressure when she's having a hard time like this and the critising demons inside her head will be enough to make her crack. Of course she will show no one because her pride gets in the way. She can ask for help for everything else, just not this. 
personal background — Born and raised in the rich town of Gangnam and as the only daughter of a famous and rich pair of former dancers, her parents have contorlled her throughout her entire life and moulded her into the perfect girl everyone thinks she is. They made her work hard in school and all that, sometimes even took her to social gatherings to show off how well mannered and overall perfect their daughter is. It is there that she saw how the only thing people cared about was climbing the social ladder, the only reson people asociated themselves with her were to get to her parents and wealth and whatnot so she closed herself off to them with a roll of her eyes, though still forced herself to act civil for her parents. 
dance background — Her mother used to be a famous ballerina and she signed her daughter up for ballet classes. Yeseul took a liking to it and tried out other types too, like contemporary - which later became one of her main genres. She liked it because she could express her feelings through dancing, something she had trouble doing through words. For a while it became all she thought about, it became her passion and her addiction. However, her parents signed her up for numerous contests (which she won) and the pressure built up for her to become even better, she doesn't do pressure. They wanted her to be a professional just like her mother. In high school, she joined the dance squad, but somewhere during her second year, - slowly, yet inevitably - the passion died out - but it's not like she resents dance, just is a little tired of it -  and it become somewhat like a chore, the only reason she still tries is for her parent and all the others in the group. She hates the pressure, she hates the expectations, she hates how she's always striving for perfection when she doesn't even know what it is. The only time she can ever find her old passion for dance again is when she's along in the studio and dancing just because she wants to and not because she has to. She still works hard when with the group, though, still meticulous when it comes to perfected the routines. When dancing alone, she does it to relieve stress of anger, when in the past it used to be because she wanted to feel happy, she is still working hard but she no longer feels as into it as she used to be. She dances like she's taught, follows the beat and loses herself in the movements and people often talk of how she lacks soul. She dances with the beat and not her heart. 
trivia — 
» likes: the cold (it makes her feel more alive), the colour red, mangos, animals and little children (though she's a little awkward around the latter), mangos, bubble tea, mango bubble tea
» dislikes: failing, disappointing people, half assing losers who join the dance team, being in physical pain or overheated, ghost stories, seafood, blood
» habits: abusing her lips (biting, , peeling etc) for no reason and 24/7, when she needs to calm herself down she'll rub on her wrist bone unconciously, 
» she's a picky eater
» she covers up her face when laughing with her hands, hair, with anything she can find
» likes the smell of watermelon and sawdust (but not together) 
» eats skittles by colour (red last because they're her favourite) 
» has to have an even number for everything (like how many times she dances to this one song or the volume on her ipod)
» when she is trying to let out her emotions through dancing contemporary and hip hip is for when she's angry or pissed and ballet is to calm her down when stressed.

family — 
» Ahn Yura | 35 | mother | ex-ballerina (currently a socialite) | alive | 3
» stubbonr, short tempered, elegant, tactful
» Kang Jung Hwan | 45 | father | buissnessman/CEO | alive  | 2
» hard working, stoic, detached, intellegent
friends — 
  ┊heart to hearts
— dancers are so dramatic
love interest — Park Chanyeol | 18 | student,
back-up love interest —
1) Oh Sehun | 18 | student
2) Kim Jongin | 18 | student
personality — He's very bright and fun loving, sweet and gentlemanly but quite careless. Chanyeol is always forgetting or losing things, most of the time his own footing. The giant is always tripping over things - usually his own lanky limbs - and bumping into things, especially people shorter than him - "where did you come from?". He's friendly and making friends comes easily to him. He's so cheerful all the time. In those rare occasions when he looks cool, he'll usually ruin it by tripping over some cable but the bright smile that spreads across his face as he laughs at himself will usually make it all better. He's so optimistic, so much it's annoying but at the same time, he's a lazy , especially in the morning when he acts like his soul left his body. He never leaves anything half finished and knows what he has to do to get what he wants and if the time calls for it, he's prepared to be a little manipulative to get it. He's quite straight forward and can say the awkwardest sentences in the wrong times, he says whatever comes into his mind and doesn't worry about making a fool of himself. He has the subtlety of a sledgehammer. He's known for half assing a lot of but he's the happy virus so people let him off. He is fiercely loyal to those who are close to him and would lay down his life for them. 
first meeting — So, Sehun (or someone else who is in the group) was ing about how mean Yeseul was being during practice and Chanyeol felt his motherly instincts come out. He was told yeseul had decided to stay behind to "redo the entire corepgraphy because it's not good enough.' and he stormed over because no one messes with Chanyeol's friends. Ok, he was being a little inmpulisve and he hadn't really thought through how he was going to yell at a girl who sounded like the devils child judging by the rumours he heard abuot her. But if he hadn't he probably would never have seen her dancing ballet so beautifully and elegantly. He was completely captivated by her, who was trying to get rid of her stress. She tops the music when she notices him and is like "what are you doing?" and he completely forgets why he was there is the first place and is reduced down into a babbly mess because she's hot and in the end just slinks away in embarassment. 

So basically after their first meeting CHanyeol took a liking to her and basically stalked her and pestered his friends to tell him more abuot her. He started moping around for ages because everyone thought he was creepy and "Sehun you know her, please introduce us!" "Nah, why don't you just go on her while she's dancing again, but at least introduce yourself properly this time, yeah?" 
and that's just what he does, this time he does tell her that he's "park chanyeol, in your year but you're like a month older than me-" "how the hell do you know that?" He had to do something to stop her from kicking him out so he suddenly announces he wants to try out for the dance squad even though he can't dance for . 
relationship — Surprise, surprise, Park Chanyeol didn't get into the squad but Yeseul felt sorry for him and decided to hep him out in her spare time which is even better. He almost felt sorry because he dances like a robot who hasn't been oiled for a millenium and because he cares less about dancing, and more about getting into her pants to know her better. He somehow gets out of dancing most of the time and isntead makes her dance while he marvels in her elegance. 

He is always there when she least expects him but needs him the msot, whenever she has a mental breakdown or is up to her neck in stress, he'll come running to her and cheer herup and she usually splutters incoherently before running away everytime he smiles at her. She laughs - quietly - at all his cheesy jokes and he listens to her problems once he gets her to open up. He finds she's very affectionate with her close friends and become determined to be one of those, and once he sets his eyes on something, he gets. He treats her well and is always there for her but she almost doesn't feel like she deserves someone like him in her life. He treats her so well and looks after her (because god knows she can't do that for herself) but she usually just pushes im aay or yells at him because the stress is geting to her head. He usually pulls her away from reality and takes her ot to calm down, like to get bubble tea or the amusment park and "no this isn't a date...unless you want it to be?" 

He likes her and tries to charm her but she doesn't believe he's being sincere so just brushes it off as a joke. A joke that has her brushes and yelling things at him because she's really tsundere and emotions don't go well with her. He drops the heaviest hints known to man, literally telling her that he's in love with her btu she brushes it off like it's nothing. why would someone like him like someone like her? In the end the one to officially 'confess' is her, even though Chanyeol has beat her to it, he still can;t believe it. She does it in the most trivial way possible, while they're drinking bubble tea - because it gives her strength -  and she's not even looking at him but he feels so happy. He's like a hurricane to her, coming into her life and shaking everything up, she denied her obvious feelings for him because in her sorted life, Chanyeol doesn't fit in the black or white and turns her life upside down. After they become official, though they acted like a couple before anyway, she relies on him more and he becomes even more open - as if it was even possible - and literally tries to kiss her every second of the day and Yeseul only gets more tsundere despite not hating it one little bit. The happiest moment of Chanyeol's life was probably when she kissed him for the first tine instead of the other way around. 
  ┊squadmates forever
— we've got each other's backs
why should you be in period 5 dance?
» Because I am a good leader who will help everyone when they need help and keep everyone on track and organised when it comes to time. I also have many dancing awards under my belt. 
what can you contribute that the others can't?
» I can contribute my perfectionist nature, I don't stop unti it's perfect. 
what style do you train in most?
» It's mostly contemporary and ballet, but I tend to dabble in every genre. I will take whatever is thrown at me. 
how would you handle criticism?
» I would take it on and use it to my advantage so next time will be better. (not before she starts self hating and believing it was her fault her team failed.)
regarding the other dancers here, who would you get along best with?
» the co-captain, she is my other half and sometimes I am envious of how kind and humourous she balances me out well and keeps me grounded. 
who wouldn't you get along with?
» the rhythmic gymnast and the specialist, mainly because they're the weaker dancers in this squad and they need to start pulling their own weight. The former annoys me more so than the latter because they don't seem to care about it, God, I should just kick them out. 


  ┊it's your time to shine

comments, questions, concerns — sorry it's really long and there may be spelling errors

scene requests — Yeseul is sick and doesn't know how to look after herself so Chanyeol does it for her, Chanyeol trying to dance,

anything else? — ( winner's circle )






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