( cøde academy — a spy school )ー jeon jayu。

  jeon jayu (전자유)
     canta alcyonen 3
— yui / he definitely is going to beat up anyone who with the girlish nickname and all.
— other name / explanation
BIRTHDATE  15 August, 1997
HEIGHT  179 cm
WEIGHT ♡ 64 kg

ETHNICITY Korean (with great-grandfather a Chinese Mainlander)
— Korean/native/ well...
— Sign language/fluent./ his older brother is mute and deaf.
  no, i donut look weird, thank you very much。
    i look very mundane and amazing just a touch. 
FACE CLAIM min yoongi (suga of BTS)
BACK UP FACE CLAIM yoo yongjae (BAP)

APPEARANCE a temporary tattoo on his collar. Also, a scar on his left shoulder blade due to one of the trainings (he hit a glass).
  you butter back off, mate。
    or i shall steal your date. 
— insensitive, stubborn, private, perfectionist., rebellious, insightful, calm, determined (including loyalty), intellegent, humble.

jayu is quite the equivalent of his name (aka freedom).
the boy is definitely young, age-wise, but he is a child with an uncertain type of maturity; and this is seen from the fact that, back in his primary, many children bullied him and his parents had told him to let it off. for him, it also means closing himself since a very young age. it was stuck to him and made him a little bit detached... or for the lack of explanation, he pulled himself off into finding a comfort with solitude. for the years that passed the only one he truly trusted are his family members. years of little eagerness to be social also caused him a rather unsatisfying friendship, as he prefer being alone, not feeling lonely (which always happen when he is in social events or something like that). those alone time of his is always used to form thoughts and opinions of his, the one that one couldn't help but ask, "how did you think about it?" and he stood on his ground with that. and if people are trying to change that, well, sorry not sorry, he would made some kind of crazy efforts to defend his ideas, even though it's pretty much wrong and he's in the losing party.

oh, and don't think this boy is stupid. he's definitely a guy with crazy ideas (as shown above) and new opinions. though its not mostly for himself or things like that. maybe his ideas are all gone wrong, and this is one of his biggest pet peeves. he had developed something and it should work. be afraid, this boy pushed himself down to his gills just to achieve something. after all, success comes after hard work, and this guy doesn't mind with that. due to the roundabout of independence, he has formed opinions that isn't mainstream (after all, the only thing that pissed him more than anything is being called the same as other people) and are held to be strong. any defying opinions (reasonable or not) is held as a bad type of crap... that he wants to quietly kill in his mind. if someone keeps on saying that his ideas are wrong, this guy can be one crazy rebel (which fortunately haven't happen and will certainly not in calculation). intellegence also help him to be quick at learning and adapting with survival challenges. teamwork? not really. not when they won't gave him space. but to be honest, he likes to give people the benefit of the doubt in social situations, as long as they do not ruffle his thoughts.

does that mean he is a cold-blooded sniper that has a pretty face? answer: BIG NO.

he partially guarded himself due to his fears too. he truly feared of losing people since he was young, and beyond anything, he needs his family, no matter how cold or a major douchebag he is. and his family can come in any forms, but for now, his biological family is the most important to him. but at least, he picked people with insightful thoughts and observations. he knows quite well nobody is evil, and it's just that they won't really like him for who he is and he fears that a lot. he does care for his friends and family; his brother has difficulties, but jayu is more than willing to help him learn and stood as the protective brother. and in the worst cases, he would try to help his friends, but doesn't necessarily have to put himself in the mix. yeah, a little misgivings, but his friends and family are something valuable, and are truly loved, even if his love isn't perfect. opinion wise, he's close-minded if they defy it, and so does he goes with people. he still needs to learn to be open and more accepted, but for what he can be, he's fine the way he is for now. he doesn't want to boast his skills nor his opinions until they are shaped perfectly, for none is worst than an oppinion that doesn't have any proves or points in it. and he  values time too; he trains in his spare time.

- rifle
- coffee
- early morning walks (just because he is rebellious doesn't mean he is a total slob.)
- rain
- alone time.
- playing electric bass or guitar
- fireflight. Unbreakable, stand up, and more than a love song are personal favorites.
- the school's blue jumpers. admittedly.

- being watched
- very loud noises, except that of rock (and thus, clubbing and people fighting is included to be hated)
- coffee mate (even koohwan and his brother can't.)
- running out of time
- being disorganized
- mocha ('weak losers.')

- dealing with fights

- everything should be in the place he likes. thus... things happened.
- between coffee and tea, he prefers coffee.
- knew some kind of gossip that happen between trainees... oof.
- he learned how to use revolvers, semi-autos, and shotgun too, but he is suited for rifle, his father said.
- knows sign language.
- LOVES beef kebabs.
- his idol is Simo Hayha.
- learns taichi for 3-4 years before quitting.
- if he's allowed to travel anywhere, he would go to Nordic countries.
- surprisingly, the only thing that he usually boast about was his opinions; rarely his skills.

"you said i have no heart; but i still talk."

  sticks and scones may break my bones。
    hurt my loved ones, and you'll see my clones. 
— father / jeon jaesoon / 53 / elegant, assertive, insightful
working as a gun trainer wasn't easy, but ever since jayu became a little bit obsessed and curious, ever since the age of nine, this boy was trained with it and they became very close. his father kept close relation with jayu, but the former became suspicious that the latter hid something, though he thought it wasn't all threatening.

— mother/ hong jimin / 52 / lovely, quiet, protective
not as close as his father, yet they both genuinely love each other, but there were times when she got angry and he went a little pissed. she's a housewife that can go against her husband when it comes to their sons doing something a little bit different. but is great enough, and is willing to give her sons the choices they wanted, as long as it is useful. cried when jayu have to go to a boarding school. jayu got his quietness from his mother.

— older brother/ jeon jiyu / 20 / patient, affectionate, determined
jayu's older brother. they're close, despite the fact that jiyu is a deaf and mute man. jayu actually showed his protective, loving side and jiyu is patient enough to keep up with jayu's antics. maybe it's just that jayu doesn't like being cuddled, but they do communicate and jayu admire jiyu's determination, though the latter was disabled.

— best friend / ahn kihwan / 21/ serious, reserved, gentle
his friend was the polar opposite, but still kept the affectionate side of his brother. this guy was the one whom showed and explained the whole system. a spy with the master of accuracy, the guy also helped jayu at times, and jayu didn't mind his presence and took a genuine likening.
— acquaintance bordering rivalry / bi yumi / 17 / passionate, fiery, sassy
he didn't hate yumi completely, but there were times when her opinions went against him (or defy his beliefs) that it frustrated him greatly. but then again, it's a little fine (not really, he still hates it). what he couldn't stand was her arguments with taekook that greatly disrupt his concentration and that she shoots well. they have similarities, but he's the cold-calm, she's the passionate-crazy.

— rival / soh taekook/ 17 / arrogant, sarcastic, fiery
they would've been friends if only taekook removed his arrogance. the younger hated jayu greatly; he loves to blow taekook's pride off. oh, and the noise of his arguments.

BACKGROUND jayu is born at incheon, 15 august 1997. everything is pretty much fine; well, the only odd thing would be his father's frequent gun polishing at his house. jayu had been fascinated with it, but he got extremely disappointed because it was just some kind of useless metal, not knowing that his father had unloaded it beforehand. it wasn't until jayu was nine when, his father took him to a gun raining place. instead of being uber scared like how some children were, he actually love it. his father was completely surprised, and thought him the very basics (and the code of, 'don't use until emergency.') of course, their training were at isolated grounds and barely ever got suspected.

  another one bites the crust。
    eat my lightning dust. 
ADMISSION  one time, he was walking home, post-graduation day, to his father's gun training. when he thought the roads were save, he found out someone was trailing him. he tried to divert himself away, but the person didn't lose contact and made the boy swerve off to the wrong district. Jayu realized that the trailer was a man whom visited his father's place quite frequently, and the same man usually only watched by. When the younger nearly pulled his gun, the man stopped him, and introduced himself on how he came from code academy for spies and how he saw jayu hadn't take any schools. So, jayu asked him to talk to his parents (and they agreed).
(12 august 2009) 

SPECIALTY  accuracy.

HIDDEN TALENT  this guy plays electric guitar and bass like it's nothing.

SPY NAME  cycnus (or cygnus) - from an ancient Greek tale when cycnus, a friend of Phaethon (the god of the sun's son) waited by the river to collect the remains of the latter, when he fell into a river. it really meant his loyalty.

SPY CØDE  08128756
  love interest name。
FACECLAIM  if an idol, no link is needed.

BIRTHDATE  day, month in words, year

NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
— nickname explanation

PERSONALITY  just traits are fine

BACKGROUND  doesn't need to be too long.

ADMISSION  goes here.
SPECIALTY  only one, please. choose one of the ones given on the handbook.

SPY NAME  goes here
SPY CØDE  goes here
  don't go bacon my heart。
    i don't normally fight, but i can start. 
FIRST MEETING  how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP  explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION  and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and her love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think.

  thanks a latte。
    the end. 
FAMOUS LAST WORDS ahn kihwan would be sungyeol... in a serious mode.
idk man, like this app is so weird like fruk man. i'll try to change the typos tomorrow.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS pissing taekook.
he'll be all awkward and ask his possible romantic interest if he could kiss her cheed and she'll ask him and baahh.



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