I have a few questions... (I hope you'll answer it)

Can you download GIMP online?

And if so, where?

Oh... And, does it have the same features as photoshop?


I'm asking these questions because my photoshop crashed and only my brother has the CD to download it back, but he's going to Turkey soon and now he's at his campus.. so yeah.. Hope you'll answer these for me. :)


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I downloaded gimp before, and it's free. I only typed gimp in google search. I first learned in PS so it took me awhile to get around gimp but it's like photoshop, at least the basic tools and features :3
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
you can download online, just search in the google..
but i prefer photoshop:D
Photoshop is much better than GIMP though o A o
YES you can download it, (try gimp 2 instead of gimp) and personally I never used photoshop, but a lot of my friends that have tried both claim that gimp is easier to use and can do mostly the same things. I would recommend it. Where to download, I can't tell you exactly. I downloaded it years ago after all. I probably just googled 'gimp download' lol