Be mine. ♥♥

Even though you spend all day with me, I miss you. Even though we talk everyday, I miss your voice. I think of you daily.. I miss you. I love you. Words can't describe my love for you, but I hope someday the memories we make will. I'm in love with you. I miss you.. I love your voice. I love your face. I love your personaliy. I love every piece of you. I love every mistakes you've made, because who I am to judge you? I love your flaws. I love your accent. I love your laugh. Your laugh reminds me of the meaning of happiness. You bring me happiness, sadness, madness.. But I still love you.. You're amazing. Perfect. Funny. There when you're needed. Nice.(When you want to be) Just.. you.. So, be mine and only mine.. Me and you. You and me. Us.


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