
Some people hate it. I for one cherish it. Its quiet. Its peaceful. No worries about anything except yourself. I find I have more fun if I'm by myself because I get to make my own decisions about what to do and when to do it. I feel freedom in my loneliness. I'm independant because of my loneliness and I'm forever grateful for it. I'm more myself in my loneliness. For others, it holds them back. For me, I thrive in it. For others, it scares them. For me, I embrace it. I've always wanted to go to someplace new. No one knows who you are, just another face in the crowd. That sounds like a dream to me.  


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Mr_Fanboy #1
While I can agree with some of these points, I can't say that I agree with the entire concept anymore. I've spent so much time alone, that I've started to cherish when people actually want me around. I've spent an entire life time not feeling wanted by anyone, so I actually began to fear dying alone. I know it sounds cliche and emo... but live the life I have and you'd understand the feels I feel lol. So whenever someone actually seems to want me around, it feels different... better. But that's just me, and I understand the wanting to be left alone feels too!
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
This is so true. Honestly I feel that way too, especially when people try talking to me like there's something wrong with not talking to others 24/7 -.- But I actually just like hanging out with myself. Sighs ~
I agree 100% with you. I'd rather spend an evening with myself doing things I enjoy than with a bunch of people. Honestly, people tend to irritate me.