Important OTP Questions

Since there are a lot of writers on her, I thought I'd upload this list I've compiled here too in case anyone finds it useful! Here, have 36 questions that can help develop and flesh out OTPs, whether they be OC/OC, Idol/OC, Idol/Idol, whatever! Feel free to have fun with it<3



  1. Who does the cooking?
  2. Who does the laundry?
  3. Any weekly/fortnightly/monthly/yearly traditions?
  4. Do they have a ‘song’?
  5. Do they own any pets?
  6. Who made the first move?
  7. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
  8. What do they most often fight over?
  9. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
  10. Any nicknames for each other?
  11. Who remembers the important dates?
  12. Who ‘wears the pants’ in the relationship?
  13. Who proposes to the other? When? Where? How?
  14. Who steals the blankets in the night?
  15. Who is not a morning person and needs coffee before they are functional?
  16. Who actually started the relationship?
  17. Who uses all the hot water before the other gets a chance?
  18. Who kills all the bugs?
  19. Do they both get along with their in-laws?
  20. Who tells their family/friends first?
  21. Who cusses more?
  22. What would they do if the other was hurt?
  23. How do they cheer each other up?
  24. Who is the most protective of the other?
  25. Who would rock the suspension bridge while the other clings on to it in fear, screaming at them to stop?
  26. Do they have any sleeping quirks? Does Person A find Person B’s quirks adorable or annoying?
  27. Who is the most uncomfortable with Public Displays of Attention?
  28. Who has the more embarrassing music taste?
  29. Who is better with children?
  30. Who goes all out for Valentines Day?
  31. Who is the stricter parent?
  32. Who is more likely to smash the other’s face into the wedding cake?
  33. Can they successfully put something from IKEA together - without killing each other?
  34. Who controls the TV remote?
  35. Who takes the longest to get ready in the morning?
  36. Who would spin around in the squeaky office chair and who would glare at them until they stopped?


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Love it:) I should try it!