Past and Regrets

What do you do when you're past mistakes come back to haunt you?

When you've tried for over a year to forgot and move on but it won't let you?

Someone told me to never regret anything no matter how it made you feel,

But the impact was just too great.

It wont leave me alone.

And now I'm too afriad to tell it to get away,

Because I'm afriad of what that will do to it.

To both of us.

I hate having to hurt someone else,

I've done it before and I promised to never do it again.

But it's giving me no choice.

I can't run away from it.

So, no matter what it does to me or what it'll do to it, I have to push it away.



Chan's Girl


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I know how it feels like to regret for something and struggle to forget them. Use that feeling to prevent further mistakes or repeat them same error again.That's the best and the most positive way to purge out the negativity you acquired from the past. :)

however , if involves an innocent life, and u think of terminating them out of the bag, pls don't. Life is more than dignity.This message-i want to dedicate to my cousin who currently experiences dilemma on whether she should or should not pull the other life in her out. She regrets what she have done. Hopefully she willlisten to us.