Ahn sojung
to the store
name: Ahn Sojung
       Soju - short for her name, made by Oh Sehun 'cos he's a little and used by everyone who like to see her flustered

      Yojung - means fairy in korean, referred to this by Park Chanyeol when talking about her to his friends, while sighing dreamily but she doesn't know because he hasn't got the balls to confess
age: 21
birthday: October 8th 1993
nationality: Korean
birthplace: Jeju
hometown: Jeju || Incheon
        Korean || Fluent || Native

        English || ...She tries || School

visual: Park Hwan Hui
backup visual: Ji In

basic appearance: She has small feet (220 mm) and she uses them as a scapegoat whenever she falls over, something about "being unable to balance". Her hair falls to below her shoulder blades, it's pure black, never been touched by anything except a comb. Both her ears are pierced and she usually can only be bothered to wear small stud earrings. She wears contacts when out and thick rimmed glasses when at home (her eyesight is just terrible, even with her lenses).
personality: Sojung is quieter than a mouse and is easily spooked. You'd be lucky to even get a second of eye contact with this girl on your first meeting, seeing as she'd most likely be fiddling with her fingers and inpecting the ground instead of mingling. She is introverted and hates talking to strangers and making new friends. The exact reason she'd applied for the job was to hep get rid of these traits, but it's proving to be a lot harder than expected. As soon as she sees a new, unfamiliar person she goes runing for the hills. She thrives on familiarity and stability. Stability is what she thrives on because she bases her entire life on a strictly lammed out schedule. If she's even a few minutes off track, she will most likely have a mental breakdown. She needs to know that her glasses are kept in the right corner of her second drawer in her bedside table and that she has a 15 minute break after her 2 o'clock shift but she must leave 3 minutes early if she is to get to where she ismeant to be on time. She's one heck of a perfectionist, everything has to be in it's place, labelled and neat - even her labels have labels - and she hates change. She's quite a worry wart and often over thinks things until something that didn't seem that bad at first ends up turning into the end of the world. It gets to the point that she has a fear of making big decisions, weighing out all the pros and cons of each option and analysing and thinking and just exhausting herself. She thinks that if she makes the wrong choice, her entire life will spiral out of contol. She has excellent instinces and intuition but doesn't trust them enough. 

Despite her setbacks, Sojung is quite the people pleaser, despite her setbacks and uses her observational skills to analyse things quietly from a distance. She can never say no to people - can't say things to people period - and she hates any form of conflict or confrontation so she just goes along with what everyone else wants, in order to make them happy as well as avoid fights. This sometimes leads to her being taken advantage of and feeing out of touch with her own emotions. But it doesn't matter because if everyone else is happy, shouldn't she be too? She is the type of person who thinks she can handle everything on her own and doesn't want to burden other people with her emotions. She won't say anything if she's tired or upset or feeling any emotion that makes her feel helpless and weak. She's been the only person she could rely on for the past 21 years, there's no way she can change that now. She braves everything with a smile on her face. On the rarw occasion that she does speak up , it will usually be because a situation is unfair or unjust. Injustice is something she hates more than being untidy or disorganised. Sojung is also very ditzy and absent minded - usually too bsy inside her own head to notice the things going on around her - and multi tasking is a nightmare for her. When it comes to working, however, she is extremely hard working and diligent, she doesn't want to disappoint or anger any higher ups and often forces herself to act a little more bubbly and extroverted in front of her customers and later, once they can no longer see her, crumples in a corner and just cry because omfg she just spoke to someone for like 10 minutes. 

Sojung is by herself most of the times, so she must find a way to keep herself entertained, most of the time she would people watch and analyse things. If an elderly woman is walking by herself across the street, she would ask herself what's her story? where is her family? And just let her imagination run wild. When she is deeply immersed in thinking, her emotions will literally be projected on her face and she will most likely be muttering to herself. This has landed her in some awkward situations. Usually ending with tears. Speaking of tears, one of the reasons why people like being around her is because of her reactions, just like how she's aways overthinking, she is also always over reacting. Whenever talking to someone, a faint blush will always be on her cheeks and her eye contact will be all over the place, many find this endearing - until she starts tearing up, of course. When someone teases her, she will most likey wide her eyes to the size of saucers and shout out "WHAT?" or "HUH?" and of course it's funny for a while but then she looks like she's going to cry and the funniness is gone. Being the country girl she is, sojung is amazing by most of the things she sees in the big city, always having her jaw unhinged and eyes wide in surprise. But no mayyer how awestruck she is by things, she is still easiy spooked by the things she doesn't understand. Slang language, computers and that one time she ran away screaming because of the sound the hoover gave off are all examples. 

trivia: habits: abusing her lips (peeling, , biting etc) all day everyday for no reason, blushing whenever talking to someone, shakes her leg everytime she sits down, always fiddles with her fingers when nervous and tries to calm herself down by rubbing her wrist bone. likes: the colour red, making lists, the cold (it makes her feel more alve), animals (especially big dogs), little children (the only human beings she can talk to without dying inside), action movies, mangos, bubble tea, mango bubble tea unf. when she likes something she will definately get obsessed with it. dislikes: feeling helpless, ghost stories, loud noises, the heat, being critisised, disappointing people, sport/exercise, physical pain. allergic to sea food. an expert at eating spicy things and drinking soju lol. doesn't get sick often and doesn't really know how to look after herself when she does, often just carrying on as normal and most likely taking the wrong medicine, if she takes any at all. whenever she laughs, she covers her face with her hands or her hair or anything she can get her hands on. has an eye smile. stutters when flusterd. if things get stuck in her head or she has to remember something or later, she'll write it all down in a notebook that she carries around with her everywhere. she carries around a nromal pen and an all surface pen so she can write everywhere if her book is not within reach. scared of blood. eats skittles by colour (red and purple last because they're her favourite). everything must be even, like the number of fries she eats or the volume of her music. bubbles are magical to her. bubble tea is even better. loves the rain, snow and water. open minded and likes trying out new foods. had a ot fo spare time in the countryside and is an expert at cooking. she's so forgetful it\s unbelivable, if she's angry at someone at the bottom of a flight of stairs and they climb up to the top, she'll have forgotten she was angry. 

background: Sojung has lived in Jeju all her life, her family wasn't extremely well off but they weren't struggling either. She's never really stood out much and lived in everyone's shadows. Everyone was doing well in their studies and heading for big things in their lives, but she never really knew which direction her life was heading. She always felt sorry for her parents for having their daughter be the odd one out. Well, it wasn't that dramatic. She has an older sister, Ahn Seo Ah who moved to Seoul and became a heart surgeon. Being the indecisice girl she is, she decided to follow everyone who 'left the nest' and go to univeristy in Incheon, no matter how much she loved her simple life in Jeju.
lifestyle: Currently, she goes to school in Incheon and she majors in Psychology. She's been in Incehon since she was 19 but nothing's really changed over the years. In her spare time she is usually cooped up in her room, cleaning invisible messes or walking in the park. She got a job at the mall in hopes of being more sociable and living life to the fullest like evry other 21 year old seems to be doing.  
the positives: 
mother figure | Kim Joonmyun | 23 | kind, helpful, sweet | she meets him and he instantly feels his motherly instincts kick in. he looks after her and protects her and people joke she's his daughter. she has accidently called him 'mom' before and instead of feeling embarassed, joonmyun felt proud of himself. 

friend...? | Kim Jongin | 20 | sweet, emotional, dependent | birds of a feather flock together. they like crying together and being all emo if a scary situation is coming, they will hide behind each other (although jongin would of course push her in front, the little ) 

the negatives: n/a

the ugly: 
mentor-mentee | do kyungsoo | interactions consist of kyungsoo trying to teach her how to ctuff bears and sojung running away everytime he looks at her because omfg he's evil
love interest: Park Chanyeol
first meeting: So, it was a bright, beautiful sunny day and Sojungie was going in for her first day of work at Find a Friend when suddenly her co-worker Do Kyungsoo looks at her and she feels like she's been cursed by the spawn of satan and runs off crying before even announcing ot the manager that she's here. Chanyeol sees her crying and thinks she's ( easy ) pitiful and tries to help her by offering her "some time with the one and only Park Chanyeol" but she only cries more because omfg he has frickin elf ears how the hell is that not scary there is a hybrid sitting right in front of me, lord take my soul now.
relationship: carer-person being cared for

After that day she formed a sort of attachment to him (after being assured he wasn't some sort of mutant of course) and has a soft spot for her. 
He's always there when she least expects him but needs him the most. Whenever she has one of her mental breakdowns and feels like , Chanyeol cheers her up - one of the only times he's ever serious - and she usually splutters incoherently before running away everytime he smiles at her. She wonders if he really has a job seeing as how often he comes to hang with her. Maybe he's just a pedohpile and likes watching kids make bears? MAYBE HE"S UALLY ATTRACTED TO STUFFED TOYS?! He treats her well and looks after her, someone like Sojung needs somone to watch over them. She laughs - albeit quietly at all his cheesy jokes. Sometimes she feels he's only nice to her because he pities her, or because he wants to get into her pants. She also doesn't feel like she deserves someone like him in her life, he treats her so well and she has nothing but panic attacks and whale noises to offer him. And as she starts to aquire less than platonic feelings towards him, she just can't control herself and avoids him like the plague, all her unsaid words going down into her book. It turns out, Do Kyungsoo finds her book and despite Joonmyun trying to keep the book away from Chanyeol - because no way was that giant idiot going to taint his Sojung - but of course, it eventually ends up in the latter's hand. Meanwhile Sojung buys herself a new book because once she's lost something, she knows she'll never find it again. And guess what? Woop di doo, Park Chanyeol likes her too, in fact he was probably in love with her the first moment he saw her. He starts dropping the heaviest hints kown to man, literally even straight up telling her he's in love with her but she brushes it off like it's nothing - not without that panic attak though. Sojung would describe him as a hurricane. He storms into her life and shakes everything up, she doesn't know what to do because in her sorted and perfect life, Chanyeol doesn't fit in the black or white and turns her organise way of thinking upside down. 


applying for: [] -  Best of Asia | [] - Eden Cosmetics | [] - Slam Dunk! | [] - Ambrosia | [] - Top Bark! | [] - Haneul Lingerie | [] - ESC8 | [] - Black Pearl Coffee and Tea | [] - Enthusiast | [ x ] - Find a Friend | [] - Topshop | [] - Aphrodite Skincare |

who do you get along best with at work?:  Joonmyun...? He takes care of me like a m-mother. 
what do you think of the "bae area"?: *blushes and wonders how she should react* the people...are good looking...kind of...
what would your reaction be to baekhyun wearing the newest lingerie?: *tears up just thinking about it* w-why would he *hic* do that?!
what would be your reaction to luhan showering you in glitter?: *examines the floor and shrugs* I like glitter...
opinion of yifan's poetry?: Yifan w-writes poetry? I'd l-love to hear it...if he lets me, of course
how would you handle sehun screwing up your day?: *whispers* ...cry
would you help minsoo with damage control or would you be apart of the damage?: I'd d-definately help Minsoo. I d-don't like it...when people get in trouble.

closing comments: n/a



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