First Poster

Hi Guys~ It's me PinkCherrySpoon now TheHeiressOfCupid, thanks to "innercircle" user for the karma gift and I was able to change my name finally.


If you are not aware yet, I have already published a new story entitled "First Snow on Christmas Day".

It is actually my comeback story after Stupid Cupid in Love, that is now deleted because of plagiarism issues. (They freaking plagiarized my work :(((( )

Anyway, here is the link of my new story, I hope you will check it out :)

Since it's a new story It doesn't have a poster yet. Could you please suggests shops that offers great graphics and works fast?

I want a poster that doesn't use ulzzang photos and someone who really makes the poster like a published book cover.

I would really appreciated your time in reading and maybe even suggesting. :D thank chuuu~





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