reaction to Bobby diss battle

i accept that Bobby receives diss raps from rappers, even though he is my bias. he is currently my ultimate male idol bias. i'm not saying Bobby is right nor wrong but he just expresses his feelings and thoughts very bravely through raps. he isn't afraid to get harsh feedbacks and he just wants to say what's on his mind. i think of Bobby, Ravi, RapMon and other rappers equally but they have individual assets. like othe rappers can't do what Bobby (and Hanbin) did: performed in MAMA without debuting yet. though other idols have assets too like debuting already and have more fans. i think Bobby should have said his feelings in a metaphor or in other words. Bobby just really want to shine with his honest raps that shows his full abilities. i respect all rappers and Bobby is still a kid (for me) who lacks experience. i created this blog becaus i want to let out my thoughts too and stop hating on bobby if he ever dissed your bias. and i don't hate the idols who dissed bobby.

(PS. i kinda agree to bobby's thoughts about fake rappers who only rapped because the company forced them and they have no other talent)

bye! this is actually my first blog haha


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if you think about it, he's just the same as those "fake rappers" he disses about
sure, he isn't right or wrong
but quite dumb to call out on your own kind no?
yes, i'll admit he's good, but definitely not the best
and should learn his place in this industry
you said it yourself, he has yet to debut
but is already dissing older groups

he's young
he'll probably grow to be smarter than this

i don't get the people who say bobby is rude etc,. dissing is normal in rapping. eminem dissed mariah and christina ( in his younger years ) and he's considered one of the best. bobby is king, because he actually raps ( others include bts, b.a.p etc,. you get the point ), not like other 'rappers' ( who talk fast ). he's like the eminem of k-pop, i swear lmao. ♡
