Ari-nim   Ari   10


"Sorry...I-I'm awkward..."

Um...Hi. My name's Han Seo Ah, I was born in Jeju-do and have recently moved over to Seoul. And...*whimpers* I know I'm not the most...social person, but I-I want to try and become more outgoing...so I have applied for this job. S-Sorry, I stutter when I g-get nervous. My friends...well, my friend's back in Jeju, really, I have no friends in Seoul *blushes*...t-they say I'm a bit of a perfectionist and...*whispers* a nervous wreck.  


full name: Han Seo Ah
   Seo - nickname and most of her friends call her this
   Aya - called this at work to make her name more japanese lol 
birthdate: october 8th 1993
birthplace & hometown: Jeju-do
ethnicity: asian
languages: korean (fluent), english (in the works) 
height & weight: 165cm || 55 kg
ual orientation: never experienced that form of human contact, so she's straight until proven otherwise

faceclaim: park hwan hui
back-up faceclaim: gam da in
appearance: She has small feet (220mm) and uses them as a scapegoat whenever she falls over, something about being "unable to balance". Her hair is shoulder lenthed and pure black, never once been touched with anything except a comb. Both her ears are pierced and she usually can only be bothered to wear small stud earing. She wears contacts when going out and thick rimmed glasses when at home (her eyesight is just horrible). She has a mole under her left eye. 
style: At home and outside, Seo Ah loves being comfortable. She usually walks around in her house barefoot with a pair of loose tracksuit pants and a random top or extra baggy jumper. She'll just wear whatever's clean, though most of her home clothes are cute and somewhat embarassing. When going out she'll wear clothes the give off a gentle and innocent yet casual vibe (like in the gif) and doesn't usually show a lot of skin or wear bright colours a lot. 


personality traits: quiet, observant, introverted, hardworking, thoughtful, perfectionist
personality: Seo Ah is even quieter than a mouse and is easily spooked. You'd be lucky to even get a second of eye contact with this girl on your first meeting, seeing as she'd most likely be fiddling with her fingers and inspecting the ground instead of mingling. She is introverted and hates talking to strangers and making new friends. The exact reason she's applied for the job was to help get rid of these traits, but it's proving to be a lot harder than expected. She finds it hard to even walk by herself without thinking everyone's out to get her, how does she expect herself to make friends and go partying all the time? As soon as she sees a new, unfamiliar person she goes running for the hills. Even if they are people she calls friends and she's known them for quite some time now, she will still have a light tinge of pink on her cheeks and her eye contact will most likely be all over the place. Of course, she would love to be more social and live life to it's fullest like every other 21 year old seem to be doing, but it's an automatic response to shy away from people. The reason for this is not just because she grew up alone in the countryside, but because she is scared of what other people would think of her. She is actually quite ditzy and imaginative, she is always finding ways to entertain herself with her mind. She is quite often caught muttering random things to herself when she - thinks she is - alone and this has landed her in some awkward situations. Usually ending with tears, 

She is quite the people pleaser, despite her setbacks and she uses her observational skills and analyses things quietly from a distance. She is always there to help those in need. As long as she can do so without having to look them in the eye or utter a single words, that is. However sometimes this leads to her being taken advantage of as she can never say no to people, it also makes her feel out of touch with her own emotions, she's always trying to make other people happy but she does not know what she herself wants. She wants to be accepted and fit in with people, alwyas listening and laughing along to the stupidest of jokes, espeically when no one else is. She does smile and laugh a lot, because of the people around her. Though she is quite ditzy and usually has trouble multi tasking and staying focused - espeically in classes, studying was never her thing - when it comes to her work, she is extremely hard working and diligent, she doesn't want to disppoint or anger any higher up and often forces herself to adopt a bubbly persona in front of her customers and later, once they can no longer see her, crumple in a corner and just cry because omfg she just spoke to someone without crying. One thing she can never do, though, is speak to someone without blushing. Seo Ah hates confrontation and confilct so just goes along with everything to keep the peace, she's the type of person who thinks she can handle everything by herself and doesn't want to burden other people with her emotions. She won't say anything if she's tired or upset or feeling any emotion that makes her feel helpless and weak. Though she craves a more social lifestyle, since she's been the only person she can rely on for the past 21 years of life, there's no way she can change that now. She braves everything on with a smile on her face. The only time she ever tires to stand up for something is if the situatoin is unfair or unjust, espeically if the victims have no way of defending themselves. 

Seo Ah has excellent instincts and intuition but doesn't trust them enough. Before making a decision, she always weighs out the pros and cons and is indecisive as . She's always scared one wrong decision could lead to her entire life spiralling out of control. That can't happen. She needs her balance. She needs to know that her glasses are kept in the right corner of her second draeer in her bedside table and that she has a 15 minute break after her 2 o'clock shift, but she must end it 3 minutes early if she is to get to where she is meant to be next on time. She's once heck of a worry wart, often over thinking things until something that didn't seem that bad at first ends up turning into the end of the world, she has one heck of an imagination. She's also quite the perfectionist, everything has to be in it's place, labelled and neat - even her labels have labels - and she hates change. Stability is what she thrives on. Because she bases her entire life on a strictly planned out schedule, if she is even a few minutes off track, she will most likely have a mental breakdown. Being the country girl she is, Seo Ah is amazed by most of the things she sees in the big city, always having her jaw unhinged and eyes wide in surprise. It would have been quite endearing had she not ran away screaming when someone the microwave. Ok, I'm exaggerating but no matter how awestruck she is by things, she is still easily spooked by the things she doesn't understand. Slang language, hoovers and computers being some of those many things.


background and current lifestyle: Seo Ah has lived in Jeju all her life, her family wasn't extremely well off but they weren't struggling either. She's never really stood out much and lived in everyone's shadows, everyone was doing well in their studies and heading for big things in their lives, but she never really knew which direction her life was heading. She always felt sorry for her parents for having their daughter be the odd one out. Well, it wasn't that dramatic, I suppose, she had an older sister, Han Seo Eun who moved to Seoul and become a heart surgeon. Being the indecisive girl she was, she decided to follow everyone else who 'left the nest' and go to Seoul, no matter how much she loved her simple life back in Jeju. Currently, she goes to a university in Seoul, undeclared major, of course. In her spare time she is usually cooped up in her room, cleaning invisible messes or walking in the park. She is quite disorientated in Seoul but is determined to be able to stand on her own two feet. 


• habits: abusing her lips (peeling, , biting, etc) all day everyday for no reason, blushes whenever talking to someone, shakes her leg everytime she sits down, always fiddles with her fingers when nerous and tries to calm herseld down by rubbing her wrist bone
• when in deep thought, every single one of her emotions are written on her face and she often talks to herself
• likes: the colour red, making lists, the cold (it makes her feel more alive), animals (especially big dogs), action movies, mangos, bubble tea, mango bubble tea unf
• when she likes something, she will most definately get obsessed with it
• dislikes: being bored, feeling helpless, ghost stories, loud noises, the head, being critised, disappointing people, sport/exercise, physical pain
• allergic to sea food

• an expert at eating spicy things
• doesn't get sick often and doesn't know how to look after herself when she does, will usually just go one like usual, maybe even taking thw wrong medicine (if she takes any at all)
• whenever she laughs, she covers her face with her hands or her hair or anything she can get her hands on
• has a blinding eye smile
• stutters when flustered
• really awkward around kids
• whenever she has something on her mind hse'll always want to write it down (since vocalising things isn't really her prefered medium) so she carries aorund a book and pen wherever she goes (it's an all surface pen in case her book is not in reach)
• scared of blood
• bubbles are magical to her
• bubble tea is even better
• an expert at eating spicy things and drinking alcohol
• loves the rain and water
• open minded and likes trying out new things, especially food.
• she had a lot of spare time in the countryside and is an expert at cooking and loves it





love interest: Park Chanyeol
back-up love interest: Oh Sehun
personality traits: straight forward, gentlemanly, stubborn, sweet, cheerful, opinionated, lazy , shameless perrrverrt, optimistic, has the subtlety of a sledghammer, loyal

how you met or meet: he goes to her school and is also a regular customer at the cafe even before she got a job there. She caught his attention and was all "oh, they have a cute new maid hurr hurr." because he's a lol he kinda maybe starts to have an interest in her and teases her because her reactions are priceless (apart form that time she cried because he told her she was y) and because he is a stubrron loser who doesn't stop until he gets what he wants, he starts to stalk her lol

interaction: He's always there when she least expects him but needs him the most. Whenever she has one of her mental breakdowns and feels like , Chanyeol cheers her up and she usually splutters incoherently before running away everytime he smiles at her. He treats her well and looks after her, someone like Seo Ah needs someone to watch over them. She laughs - quietly - at all his cheesy jokes. He's always there for her and she's thankful for that but sometimes she feels like he's only nice to her because he pities her, or because he wants to gwt into her pants. She also doesn't feel like she deserves someone like him in her life, he treats her so well and she can't really do anything for him. Though at first he was only attracted to her physically, after getting to know her well  (by stakling her college timetable to 'run into her' on her way to classes and striking up conversations) he starts to like her and tries to charm her in all the ways possible. She doesn't believe he's being sincere, though. He's pretty much a big playboy in school, he probably does this with all the other girls too, right? He uses everything in the book, dropping the heaviest hints known to man, literallty even straight up telling her he's in love with her but she bruses it off like it's nothing - not without that panic attack though. In the end, only his real sweet self can win her over. If you asked her, Seo Ah would describe him a 'hurricane. He storms into her life and shakes everyhting up, she likes him a bit but doesn't label it as a crush or anything and denies her obvious feelings for him because in her sorted and perfect life, Chanyeol doesn't fit in the black or white and turns her organised way of thinking upside down.


are you looking for a full time or part time job?
I was t-thinking only a part time job...because I'm a student *blushes*. But if you wanted a worker who could do full time then...I could maybe make it work? 

do you have any experience working of some sort?
*shakes her head and whimpers* 

why do you think you should get this job?
Um...*tears up* I'm hard working? I'm pretty good at cooking...I guess..I've tried making pastries before... I-I could...I don't know...*looks down and makes whale noises* I'm sorry!

what do you think of cosplaying and interacting with customers?
* her head and wonders what cosplaying is* I've never h-heard or that or done it before...b-but I could try? 

do you have any suggestions for events and themes for the cafe?
...*shakes her head and regrets her life desicions*

select which job position you are applying for
[] barista
[] waiter, waitress
[x] pâtissier(pastry chef)
[] cashier
[] janitor
[] entertainment/promotions



questions, comments, concerns: or she could be a janitor I dunno lol 
suggestions & requests: everyone making fun of her and flustering her on purpose. 



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