let's be friend everyone! ^o^

I just realize that i dun have enough kpop friends T.T

so... let's be friend =)) pleaseeee???


So, lets talk on line and kakaotalk?? And oh, lets fllw each other on ig!

my id (for those things) : irenewitanto

Or I can add and fllw you first, just leave ur id in comments!


That's all! Hope many of you will be friend with meeee~~~~~


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shalalalala #1
My line and personal ig is shashatmra anddd my fan acc is ohsehunohorat ^^
wuyeong #2
my kakao is niccxxl :))
ah i have IG @amusuk_ btw :D
My kakao ID is nckaja if you want to be friends with me~ ^^ (p.s. IG is the same, but it's set private, so you need to ask permission and then I'll give it to you)
I'm 2jaepg on ktalk and line!!