Old poem-thingie!

I'm trying to clean out my computer, which.... yeah XD There are files from 2006 to now, so it's quite a process XD I don't even dare to think about my photos and music.............. Anyway, I stumbled across this poem-thingie and I wanted to share o.o It is kind of written to an old friend of mine who was kind of a XD


Dear little princess


Welcome to my world, dear little princess. A world of grey reality. Nothing you have ever seen in your spoiled little bubble. Here, the clouds aren’t always white, and the sky is almost never blue. It is raining most of the time, and when not, it is just a world of thick fog. Very rarely a sunbeam manages to enter my world, but somehow it always gets swallowed by the darkness. It is dark. In your bubble everything is bright. You walk on clouds of love from another person. I drown in the need of it. You seize the day with great expectations of what it might bring and add to your perfect world. I dread the day, for it is just another day in this twisted world of mine. I no longer feel the wind in my hair or the water on my feet. Never again will I feel the sensation of a friendship so deep. I no longer feel the touch of love in my heart. Who could possibly love me?

Yes, in your perfect bubble you do not see anything of this. You have closed your eyes to my misery. You have left me when I needed you the most. But I will tell you one thing, my dear. When your bubble breaks, and yes, it will break eventually, I will not be there to catch you. I will not be there to blow a new bubble of false security around you. I know I have been there all the other times. But this time I won’t be there to catch you, I will be there to look at you as you struggle your way through real life, and I will enjoy every moment of your fight. You are on your own now, dear, and you have never been before. And once you realise it, it will be to late, cause by that time, you will be caught in my world. And I cannot tell you how much that thrills me, my dear little princess.


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bookworm83197 #1
D: *runs and hides*
Scary o.O but awesome! D: (I wanna blanket. And a hug)
\O/ Beautiful!