A Quick question! Brilliant idea or not?!

hey everyone, I need some advice on something!

So a while back I started talking to an old friend from high school, yes, a boy XD lol.
He added me on facebook and we've been chatting here and there.
When I was in school with him he always talked to me and he even confessed to me before we graduated.
But, I didnt really think much of him.

Now that I bumped into him at a friends book signing, I've been kind of thinking about him more.
I was wondering, do you guys think it'd be a good idea if I asked if he wanted to do a few trial
dates with me?
I think he still might like me, but the thing is, he's kind of erted and he says he's not picky.
Plus he isn't the best looking, but I think he's alright, lol.

What do you guys think I should do?
Do you think I should give him a try or forget about it?
It's just I havent been on dates in a while, and I would like to get back out there XD lol.

If you think I should, please comment and let me know your thoughts!
I'd really appreciate it, THANKS! :D

Plus, I told my sister once that you either end up with someone you already know or you go out
with someone to get to know them. I never really end up with anyone I like, anywho.

So yeah...I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this! :D





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looks don't matter he may be a ert but underneath it all he can be quite amazing. if you feel somewhat of a connection from the daily chatting, i say go for it but rather have a hangout time, see how it goes & if theres chemistry you'll know. if it works out go ahead & hangout more. if it gets really interested as about a hypotical question about dating & give it a try.
tea_break #2
Look at his personality. honestly, if he is loyal and kind and sweet he is a keeper
Just ignore the way he looks and see if his personality is good! Because if he turns out to be an absolute dream guy on the inside, i don't think the looks will matter!:) So give him a chance. And good luck unni!!:))
alessia87 #4
You should give it a go!!! If it works between you two then awesome! But if it doesn't at least you tried! :D

its never fun to live in the "what if" zone... What if I had gone? What if it had worked?
rozhamahamad #5
Hi. I think you should go on one date with him to try it out then decied what's best for you .
I think you should give it a try? Give him a chance maybe? Who knows maybe he's changed?
But if he's all y and all then you should stop.