the hollaback club
Kang Dahyun.
Character name Kang Dahyun
nicknames da-yah: a way of saying 'my everything', called this by Chanyeol
danni: everyone else calls her this because it's easier and it's her english name
birthdate 8th october 1995
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown london, england
ethnicity asian
nationality korean
languages english (fluent with cute british accent), korean (fluent but slightly accented) 
Faceclaim gam dain
backup faceclaim Sori
appearance standing at 160 cm and weighing 48 kg, dahyun has long chocolate coloured hair, flowing down to her waist. though other's don't really notice, she has a tendancy to express her feelings through her locks, like curling it during special occasions (or when she wanted to look pretty in front of her past crushes) or chopping it all off when she feels she needs a new start. she has a mole under her left eye and 3 piercings on one ear while the other has 2. she has a pretty eye smile, her eyes shape into little cresents and there is barely any room for her to see out of when she's really happy. 
personality traits
( + ) perfectionist, selfless, hardworking, observant, thoughtful
( - ) irritable, uptight, prideful, indecisive, absent minded
personality When you first see dahyun, she'll be surrounded by this gentle, elegant and womanly aura despite the fact that she's a nut case. First off, she has a severe problem with her brain to mouth filter, no matter what's going on through her head, she'll say it out loud. she just can't control it, but she no longer reacts like she just got caught murdering someone, she's used to it by now and so are the people around her - well, kind of. You'll often hear her planning out her day and what she's going to do next or suddenly announcing that she has to pee. sometimes she doesn't even know she's speaking aloud. even when she's alone, she'll be softly murmmering things to herself but that's probably more to do with the fact that she hates silence and she's trying to fill it. This also results in some pretty awkward situations when she's trying to have conversatoins with people. she no longer tries to hide it when first meeting people because it's better scaring them off now than later and those who stic around are the ones who are worth her trust and loyalty. 
when it comes to plans and making a decision, she thinks them through really carefully, analysing and weighing out all the pros and cons thst would come with her options before choosing the one that results in the least amount of energy wasted, most convinience and smallest chance of regret. this is how she proctastinates. she over thinks to the point she's scared of making the decision. dahyun feels like if she makes the wrong choice, it could end up in everything she's ever worked towards spiralling down the drain. she prefers being and working by herself and is a prideful person, even if she's upset and tired - or any emotion that makes her feel helpless and weak - she won't ask for help. it's not very easy to tell when she's troubled - unless she lets it slip - so no one notices her fighting her battles all alone. working with other people or having people who have high hopes in her because if she were to fail what would the others think? it's alright for her to diapppoint herself, but never to diappoint those who care about her. she thinks she can handle everything on her own and rejects any help offered to save face. she braves everything on with a smile on her face. she is also quite compassionate and cannot stand any form of injustice. it just makes her blood boil. she is able to see things feom other people's perpectives and is unbiased but will not refrain from flat out telling you if you're in the wrong. despite her setbacks, she's quite the people pleaser, she uses her observational skills and analyses things quietly from a distance and is always there to help people in need. she can't really say no to people, she has trouble with rejecting them and this usually leads to her being taken advantage of. 
she is also a perfectoinist, planning out her entire day down to the last minute as soon as she wakes up. she is also quite neat and tidy. if even one things on her schedule is messed up, she'll start freaking out and panicking. routines is what helps her keep balanced and brings her stability, it's the only way she can keep herself grounded. if her balance is lost, she'll make a mental breakdown. she needs to know that her glasses are kept in the right corner of her second drawer in her bedside table or that she has a 30 minute break between classes after the third period, but she must leave 2 minutes early is she is to reach her next class on time. she gets herself stressed a lot - because of her nosy friends and workload - and she's just a big ball of tension waiting to explode. if you try to insult her - even as a joke - she'll just blow up and curse you to the sun and back using her extremely colourful vocabulary. the smallest things can trigger her, even a sock on the floor. but she is quick to forgive and sometimes even forgets she's meant to be angry. once, she got into an argument with baekhyun at the bottom of the stairs, then after a silent walk up them, she's forgotten all about it and went back to acting like normal at the top of the flight. 
  • habits: abusing her lips (peeling, , biting etc) all day everyday for no reason, shakes her leg everytime she sits down, always fiddles with her fingers when nervous and tries to calm herself by rubbing her wrist bone. 
  • she is scared of diappointing people
  • is allergic to seafood. 
  • like the cold (it makes her feel more alive), animals (especially big dogs), action movies and park chanyeol favourite fruit is mango, favourite colour is red, and when she likes smething she will most definately overdose on it and become obsessed
  • hates feeling helpless, bored or overheated. also hates ghost stories, silences, girly high pitched screaming and physical pain. 
  • plays piano and occasionaly sings
  • extremely awkward around children. be warned. 
  • has more boy friends than girl friends. 
background both her parents are doctors and they are quite rich. she always had so much pressure on her to become as great as them. her only friend seemed to park chanyeol who lived in the same neighbourhood, he was pudgy andhad big earsack then and got a lot of grief over it, which dahyun helped settle. She when she was 8 (2003), she got sent away to boarding school in London in hopes that she were to get brilliant grades and suceed in life and whatnot. during her shorter breaks, she would stay with her distant aunt, who she rarely saw but whenever she did, she would get a whole lot of money so she could go shopping and stay out of trouble. longer breaks were when she'd come back to korea and most of the time - when she wasn't being forced to study on Christmas day - when she was 18 though she would regularly visit korea during the holidays because her parents were there. growing up she was always studying and never left her room and always did everything in her power to make her parents proud, never even once did she let herself get distracted. she led a particularly nromral life and didn't socialise much because she always had her head in the boks. 
childhood friends/best friends : park chanyeol / 19 / funny, dorky, stupid / described more in the love interest place
good friends : byun baekhyun / 19 / loud, annoying, cute / banter~ these two can never keep quiet aorund each other and both go to choir together. the boy has a voice to die for and that's the only reason dahyun tolerates him. at least that's what she tells herself, it's more because he's sweet, funnt and cute and quite good eye candy. 
dorm mate no roomate 
dorm life literally all she does is study. afterwards, she'll probably run aorund the dorms, cleaning everything up or cooking some dinner before planning out her day for tomorrow and going to sleep. maybe she sneaks in a little time just to de-stress and go out or invite someone over or watch a movie by herself but that's only on rare occasoins. 
school lifestyle she wakes up early, gets dressed, goes to school. not much else to say. she follows her schedule and hasn't ever ditched class and her grades are very high. the only activity she does is choir because she likes isnging but the rest of her spare time is either spent hanging out with chanyeol or studying. 
how did you join the hollaback club chanyeol. enough said. and maybe also because he bribed her with a truckton of food. or maybe - just maybe - because she loves him and wants to keep him happy. I don't know though, probably the food. 
extracurricular activity choir club
life in extracurricular activity isn't much to say. she works just as hard in this as she does everything else, only she actually enjoys this with all her heart. she'll often audition for all the solos - and get them. she has the voice of an angel - and is usually one of the first to get in and the last to leave, helping to put away the chairs and whatnot because she has a few spare minutes left over before she has to meet chanyeol. most of the time, she's trying to make baekhyun shut up long enough so that he acutally listens. chanyeol doesn't really look much like a singer - he isn't really compared to other people - but dahyun just loved his deep voice - more than baekhyun's - and could listen to it all day. while she's not making chanyeol sing all the songs known to man to her, they sing beautiful duets while he plays his guitar and that'll be the only time she lets herself relax and just waste time. 

love interest park chanyeol
personality traits
( + ) funny, sweet, dorky, carefree
( - ) lazy, foolish, stubborn
love line "tables have turned now, Da-yah. now I'm the one taking care of you." "I can look after myself." 
chanyeol's her childhood friend. He's there when she least expects him but needs him the most. he's there to look after her, make her laugh, loosen up. he's someone who makes her life easier and makes her forget the bad things. he always has a smile on his face and is always there for her. if she is unresponsive then he will drag her out her house and take her  to the movies or something, or if she's insistant on staying home, then he will burn (so he says, but he actually just hides them) her work and force her to watch a movie with him on the couch. it always works. though she never tells him, he can just tell when she's having a hard time and what things upset her. quite like when they were younger, she was there when people started whispering behind chanyeol's back and stuck up for him when he was teased about his elfish ears and pudgy figure, but lately he's been the one to protect her. they have a comfortable, close relationshop that people often mistake for something more than just platonic. chanyeol gets annoyed whenever she doesn't pay attention to him, whether it's because she's too busy hanging out with the other members of the hollaback club or just because she's immersed in studying. he's liked her ever since they were younger and he's determined to make her notice her senpai. he tries to charm her and drops the heaviest hints known to man - a few kisses stolen here and there but that's nothing new in their messed up relationship - but she stupidly thinks nothing of them. he tries hard to make his feleings known, literally telling her he loves her - through a song or whatever - but she doesn't believe him. why would someone like him like someone like her? 
relationship best friends
backup love interest byun baekhyun, oh sehun
scene requests dahyun is sick and chanyeol looks after her
suggestions, questions, comments  n/a
password  "could you shut up? i'm trying to study."
© 2014 layout by influenza | do not steal.


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