Rock Bottom (Update)

Hey guys,

First of all, I want to apologize for just, ranting to you before, and talking about rock bottom. But I am oh so very thankful for you guys who gave me such wonderful advice, and I wanted to give you an update on things.

So, since the break has started, my roommate went back to her aunt’s place, which is great, since I won’t be able to see her for a month.

And, I talked to a lot of friends, a whole lot, and they gave me advice. So, here’s a few things I want you to know  first:

The night when I hit rock bottom, I facebooked one of my friends because I honestly thought about hurting myself even though I knew I wasn’t going to do it. It’s one of those things, I wanted to die, but I couldn’t, because whenever I do think about my death, about killing myself, I would immediately think about people who would hurt the most. And…I started to think about my grandparents, and my parents. I started to think about how much of a failure my mother would feel—even though my mom and I don’t get along, she would hurt so much. But what would hurt the most would be seeing my grandmother cry, because she was the one that raised me.

But, I facebooked my friend (Let’s call her “V”), and we started skyping because I didn’t have my phone, and she was crying when I told her all the things I spent the previous hours thinking. But we talked, and as she was trying to stay strong in front of me, she kept on telling me about how my teachers still talk about me, how they still praise me, and how they still bring up my awkward quirks at school. She told me things, and made jokes until I laughed and until I told her I was okay.

And I thought I was…Until round two happened. Violent crying, telling myself that I hated myself, that I was useless, that I wanted to die outloud, trying to breath but I couldn’t because that’s the thing about depression, everything crashes again and again and again and again.

And then I facebooked several people, asking them to talk to me, in which many did (but I didn’t want to tell them what was wrong.) I facebooked my two friends whom I was close to because they lived nearby, but they were working, and didn’t reply until an hour later.

I was okay again, and I just, I had to breathe.

my best friend (the one who gave me the side kick speech) later replied to me (because she was at work) freaking out because I told her that I wanted to hurt myself, that I wasn’t okay, that I could barely breath because everything came crashing down so fast, because that’s how I felt. I don’t know if you guys can relate to this, but when everything crashed, I cried, and cried, and I had to talk myself out of jumping off my apartment building because everything hurt so much. She immediately was like, “I’M COMING OVER RIGHT NOW”

But I told her to come the next day, and well…She did. She drove 30 minutes for me, which is insane, and we started talking.

But before that, the next day, I thought I was okay, until my crying/sobbing spell came again. And this has happened so many times, and I didn’t know what to do other than try to tell myself, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, please don’t cry” by myself in my room, but the tears kept coming. So I called another friend who was free at that time. That friend is a guy, and he’s practically my best friend, and I feel like we would grow old together—him and his girlfriend, and me and my cat. I called him, and just started sobbing, because he’s the sane one. He knows exactly what to say and he always has a clear mind and just, he knows what to do. I was asking what I did wrong, and just, I wasn’t okay. But my guy was like, “Van, I am closer to you than I ever was with her, this will all pass. People change, and she changed for the worse.”

Then when I told him about her telling “A” (Let’s call her that, she’s the one that sided with her even though roommate hated her at the beginning) causes drama every year, and that I should ignore her—in which his girlfriend yelled, “YEAH, A’S A JERK” (Because A hurt his girlfriend in so many ways before) and he just kept on assuring me that I’m a good person, and that one day, we’ll all grow old together and just look back at this moment and say, “Yeah, they effed up a good relationship”. He then offered me to be his and his girlfriend’s roommate, in which I replied, “I don’t think I’m staying at my university.” In which, freaked him out because in high school, I was known as the girl that would succeed at uni.

But I told him something that was going to be on my mind for a while.

Later on, another friend (V) called me, and I started to talk to her. And then I suddenly told her a plan that I didn’t even think of, but that plan came out so smoothly from my lips that I couldn’t stop, and she was surprised, and she was so proud of me.

Later that night, my friend who did the sidekick speech came over (she drove 30 minutes for me, which is insane) and we started talking. I told her everything, I told her that I felt like I was being used, I felt that I was an awful person, and she just said, “Van, sometimes, we need to feel validated as a person, and that’s okay. You’re a good person, she’s not. Remember all the things you did in high school, how many underclassmen looked up to you, how much you volunteered. You’re like this because you’re a compassionate person, and it’ll be okay. Just know that you’re a good and compassionate person.”

And that night…I told her my plan.

Guys, I’m dropping out of my university.

I’m enrolling somewhere else to get a fresh start, so I’m just going to tell you why.

Ever since last year, I only go to the university that I go to now because college applications are really expensive, and I can’t afford such things to pay for it all, so I applied to one and got accepted. But in January, on portfolio day (show your art to colleges) the university that I currently go to, it didn’t impress me. They were just like, “Great job, NOW GO TO OUR UNIVERSITYYY!!!!”

While there was this university that was like, “Woah, this is amazing! You’re good at this, and what? You’re interested in this? You know, I really want you to go to our university because you have so much talent and you would go for so much cheap” and every time I went somewhere, I would just check back in, and when I was just walking somewhere, the head of the art department at their university was just like, “Van, you’re coming to our school, right?” (I was surprised he even remembered my name, because there were so many more artists!)

Not only that, but my friend (who is an atheist, this matters in my extremely long explaination) kept on talking about this school in such a light.

And the thing is, I honestly feel like God is just telling me “HEY, COME TO THIS SCHOOL ALREADY, HOW MANY MORE HINTS DO I HAVE TO GIVE YOU TO COME HERE?!”

But I’ve been debating about transferring schools for so long now, but I didn’t really have the motivation to because I had a job on campus, and all that.

And it’s weird that I’m bringing God into this, because I haven’t really been religious since my freshman year of high school. (Art school changed me for the good, because I’ve been more loving compared to my old days). And my best friend (side kick friend) was just telling me, “I haven’t been associating myself with Christian these days, but I forgot that there are some…How do I say this, liberal(?) Christians like you who actually love others and not just bash talk about them and only go to church” and I just told her my plan that I’m going to transfer universities.

I’m going to a Christian university. And I’ve been a bit nervous to go back to Christian schools because I was, in a way, bullied when I went to a Christian school in middle school. I mean, I didn’t have any friends because I would argue to the teacher that we should LOVE OTHER PEOPLE AND NOT HATE THEM BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW. And to this day, I don’t regret arguing with them.

Plus, it’s a smaller community, in which I’m used to, as while my university is like, 17,000 people and they just move us like cattle. While the Christian university is just 2,500 people.

I told my friends that I was going to get my license over the winter break, I told them that I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I had to get out of this right away, to get a fresh start. I told my friend that goes to that university to help me, and she was like, “If you don’t get your license right away, I’m willing to drive you there”.

And I really don’t think that I would’ve suddenly decided to do this if my boss wasn’t such a jerk to me the other day (he just, made me want to cry because he kept on going “Don’t waste my time, you’re wasting my time, you said you wouldn’t last time but you wasted my time” and then when I blew up, he was like, “Calm down, this is what your life is going to look like for the rest of your life once you graduate” and I just couldn’t see myself doing this for the rest of my life) and made me quit (since it’s an on campus job, I couldn’t work there if I didn’t go to said school).

Today, when I got home, I  just…I felt free. I felt like this burden that hinged itself on me for the past few months finally was lifted. And when I got home and hung out with my friends (in which have been coming practically everyday since my episode happened to make me laugh and to make sure I’m okay) and I just told them, “I feel like I’ve been crying for hours, but I haven’t” and they were confused.

But I do feel like I’ve been crying for hours. But now I just feel like there’s a relief that I’m free. I’m no longer burdened, I’m no longer in this agonizing pain.

I talked to a counselor today (for depression) and I told her all of this. She nodded, and said, “I know that I work at  the university, and I should advise people to stay, but you seem to know what you’re doing”.

And the thing is, I don’t know what I’m doing. All I know is that I’m going to a different school, that I’m going to change my life. I know that once my lease is up, I can flip off my roommate and move in with my actual friends that care for me (in which, I’ve known for 4 years now, and we all know each other’s bad habits) and that I’m going to a different university for a fresh start, and that I’ll be able to drive, and that everyone will be okay eventually. 

Maybe not now, but eventually.

And I know I will be okay eventually.

And I cannot be thankful for you guys who gave me such kind comments in my last blog posts.

Maybe I'll regain weight again because I've been losing weight at an alarming speed (I felt my hip bone, and I was scared for myself, I've also been able to fit into a size small/medium which is terrifying since I used to be a large (mainly because of my height)

And I’m not saying that going to a Christian school will solve everything, because quite frankly, it won’t. But it will give me a fresh start that I need, and boy…This weight, this pain that I’ve been feeling as of late….I can finally breathe.

I called my parents, and told them I wanted to transfer schools because I’ve been feeling sad. My mom was freaking out, asking me what was wrong and if it was because of my roommate (I didn’t tell her the roommate situation because I didn’t want her to cry knowing that I was living with such an awful person). I told her that I found myself crying often, and I was unhappy. And I could tell from her tone that she was worried that I was ually harassed again like I was in my freshman year of high school (she’s honestly the only one that knows the real reason why I changed high schools a month into my first semester) and I told her that I’ll be okay, and that I talked to a psychiatrist.

So today, I can breath.

And I’ll be okay, eventually.

And I’m just…I feel free. 


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Bae! I'm really proud of you! I didn't even know you were Christian.. I'm sure you'll have a better start and I will know that God will be there to guide you. I'm the person who commented in IG btw. And I can't explain how proud of I am for you because you're a brave soul and I know you will have a better experience in the new uni you're going to go in. Remember we are always here for your support because when everything fails, look at the brighter side and always always smile, even if it hard and hurting inside. There's no more unsatisfaction to the people who tries to bring you down seeing you smile and go on with your life head strong. Love you bae! God Bless Van <3
superjuniormylove #2
Okay. This thing has been bothering me since I read your post so I will just tell you this.
Are you sure you are not running from the situation by changing universities? Why did you change your highschool after getting harassed? You werent at fault. And you shouldnt have suffered. Maybe I am being too insensitive about this? I really dont know.
And about the university thing. Even if you are running away (about which I really dont know and I am just presuming and could be wrong). Is it really wrong to run away? If it gives you happiness. Is it still wrong? I dont know anymore.
Well, I said what I wanted to say. I hope it wasnt something offensive.
Keep us updated ! And you can always talk to us when you want! ^^
Bless You
You seem like a genuinely good person, and it's good to read that you manage to sort this out. And I'm sorry I didn't comment at last blog post. I wanted to, but I didn't know what to write:/

I think you will do great:)
I feel so proud of you for pushing through this rough patch. I just wanna say that I've been through something similar: After I had a mental breakdown in halfway through my final year in high school I quit high school and went to do a bridging course at university. I needed a fresh start and removing myself from that environment helped a great deal because at the time I knew that if I stayed there I knew wouldn't survive the the rest of the year without doing something to hurt myself. Regardless of that, making the decision to go and do that uni course was the best thing that I've done in my life. Having less stress in my life and making new friends at that university helped me a lot in the past two years. Now I'm in my dream degree programme (Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology) at one of the most presteigous universities in my country.
Anything is possible once you have a fresh start and I'm looking forward to hearing how you go on yours.
Without those stressors in your life you will be able to achieve anything you want.
superjuniormylove #5
But please put aside all thoughts of self hurt from your thoughts.
Your problems dont go away by doing this and you are just physically hurting yourself.
Eat a lot too!! Go treat yourself to some nice food, once in a while. ^^
Take care!
superjuniormylove #6
I am so happy for you.
You really thought this through didnt you?
I am proud of you, too.
Everyone has a depression phase. Everyone.
You fall out of it with time.
Time heals everything.
Because. Time changes everything.
But, your boss really . Sheesh.
Good luck for the new university!
I'm really happy you found comfort in your friends words and you have such nice people surrounding you. Hopefully all turns out wonderfully and all your worries are because you need more time finishing your projects for college.
I'm happy that you're happy.
Sometimes when things fall apart, they might be falling into place :) The decisions you're making right now, hopefully they'll result in good things. Always take care of yourself and I sincerely believe you're a good person that's why you have many good friends who's there to support you so keep holding on and no matter how difficult, always try to see the good in the bad. It's good that you actually feel more free now, and whenever you don't feel too well, remember not to keep it all to yourself. I'm wishing you the best! Fighting! :)
wowwfantasticbabyy #9
That's awesome! Not the whole, bad people thing, just the part where you have good friends that are willing to help you, and the fact that you feel free now. In so glad you've made this decision. I'm not that social at my school, and many of my cry are online friends, so when I hear good things like this, I genuinely feel happy for you. Really. :)
I am happy that u are okay now, when u feel depressed think about those great friends u have and forget this stupid ------ that hurt u . if u are going to transfer think well and fast so u don't wast another day.if u want to gain Weight eat this it is sooooooo delicious fightiiiiiing
I wish you the best! It's cool that you took some direct changes and that you feel better now. Just go into this new chance and rock the hell out of it ^^ Fighting!
I'm glad you made that decision early my dear. I didn't think I made that decision until recently. I was basically in a major I thought I wanted and it had greatly affected me because I was surrounded by really smart people who knew what they were doing with their life and I wasnt. They all had the passion to go on while I was only there for the money. It's a really stupid thing for me to do. But I kept lying to myself that it was my only way out. I've flunked on the same school about twice before I realized it really isn't me. The major I had was not me. THE MAJOR I HAD WAS NOT ME. now I'm starting something new, changed majors and a change of uni too. Don't forget that were here for you. :) we can go through this together.