Which shall it be?

Ok guys:

Since most of my Christmas series followers are in it for the Characters I'll stick with Jpop (for now).

I've come up with two potential storylines. Here are the two summaries, which story would you rather have me write.

(tbh I don't even know which one I'd prefer... both have a certain charm...)



A) more comedy, and smoking hot

Reita wins a trip for two to a romantic, remote mountain cabin over Christmas. Due to his lack of suitable romantic companions he asks Ruki to join him. Ruki, grateful to get away for a few days to concentrate on composing agrees. However when a snow storm hits their get-away tempers run high. Ruki has to set his pen aside and help shovelling, while Reita turns wannabe-therapist and tries to get to the bottom of Ruki's commitment issues.

This is not going to be a cheesy 'on the fur in front of the fireplace' - this is the other kind (of ): full of snow and shovels and swearing.


B) more sensual, and magical

It's been a while since Ruki last composed a good song, this fact has had a detrimental effect on his funds. In order to keep up his habit of buying ridiculous gloves, he started working as a barista in the small coffee shop around the corner from his studio (where he used to do all his recordings... back in the day when he still had inspiration.) Anyway this is the story of how winter came. And you will finally learn why all snowflakes are different, where iciles really come from and how to paint frost on windows.



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