Some Changes

Okay, I thought I might update you guys in my life, since I haven't been doing it lately. It's great to really talk to y'all agin, even if I haven't been writing stories here much. Let's see....I recently went vegetarian, and today I decided I would be vegan. Lol, the only problem with that is the milk....I love milk so so much, but I really think I want to do this. 

I have also thrown out all my clothes today, and I am trying to wear more colour. All the blacks and blues were making me sad,so I a, switching things up-Also, getting rid of clothes means you can buy more, lol. I am addicted to clothes...really. It's not healthy. 

I have also redone my room, and now it is very boho:) All the wall art is beautiful, haha. I even put up two curtains on my windows, lol. I used to have only one, on one window, haha. I needed to put up another! I also took down all my boy/girl band posters...I never really liked them, I just had a bunch since people kept giving them to me! Does that ever happen to any of you guys? 

I now have a pintrest, if any of you guys want to follow me on there or on tumbler, just message me:) 

I am growling out my hair to dread lock it right now, and I am so exctited! I love to mess with my hair, so I need a hairstyle I can do a lot with. Lately I have been dying it way too much! Dye is so expensive....really, I can't keep buying it. 

I feel like a complete hippie when I say this, but I also reasently learned you could make bell bottom jeans out of normal jeans (I really should have guessed) and now I shall be doing that with all my pants...I have a love of bell bottoms, lol. Do any of you wear them? 

I am in college online, as some of you already know, and my finals in English are coming up, so wish me luck? I'll tell you what grade I get later this week:) I hope I pass! 

Lets see....I can't think of anything else right now:/ Just ask if you have any questions!


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oh~ oh! those are all good right?
I am happy for you then ^^
good luck - i'll email you in a bit. sorry, i've been busy lately.
good luck on your finals!!
I have finals too 6 finals in 1 week! 2 finals a day except monday and friday