Dun Dun Dundundun!!

DUN DUN DUNDUNDUN! DUN DUN DUNDUNDUN!(the beginning beat to No More Dream by BTS XD)

A nice intro eh? I like it. I think Imma do that from now on as my intro XD just start the post with one random like of lyrics (or beat like today) and just kinda like creep you guys out >.< Anyways, just wanted a moment to fangirl over BTS (lately I've been fangirling over Jin :D) ANYWAY that's pretty much it OH YEAH No More Dream is my favorite song from BTS cus 1. I really liked this concept better than their skool luv concept (I really hate War of Hormone >.<) 2. because I just like the song XD anyway, yeah that's it. 

Thanks ya'll




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