I need help

hi guys, it's char13, and I was wondering if I could get some help from you guys. I'm having a lot of trouble writing right now, and I just need help. 

With A Light in the Dark, I'm thinking about editing. I don't realy like where it's going, and I was hoping I could get your guys opinion on whether or not it's good so far. I hope some people will let me know, cause I just can't even write anymore, at least for right now 


and also I was wondering if I could get some ideas on how to get rid of writers block and persist through stories. I haven't exactly been able to finish a story lately, and I wanted to ask for your opinions on he to do that, because who better to ask than other writers, right? I hope a lot of people will comment, because I'm out of ideas and to the point where I might just take my stories down 😞


hope to talk to some of you soon, and merry Christmas to all of you! 




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Follow your passions and inspirations. Look up quotes, read books, watch movies, etc. Doing what you love will help.
Nicolaaahearts #2
My advice would be not to rush yourself, and if you don't want to write, then don't force yourself. List a few ideas down about what our next chapter should include and then you can start to roughly write :-)

Hope that helps!