Feeling like is so awesome

Today turned out okay until my stupid , ing stepdad started telling me . Calling me stupid & , Tryna make me feel worthless. Like you, go get a ing life & go have some or some cuz you're ing salty. Like ugh. He just ing frustrates me & I'm in the car w/ my mom & she knows & HE knows that I have ing anger issues. My mom's gripping on my arm, telling me to calm down, but why do I need to calm down? He needs to ing calm down, I was just ing playing, until his started to take serious. I'm like shaking my leg, cracking my knuckles tryna calm down & taking deep breaths, but he's tryna test me or some . & I start crying cuz I get so ing mad & it ing frustrates me. I'm still taking breaths & & he won't stfu. Like seriously. You're not my ing dad, I don't have a dad at all. I never had one. Don't think like you know me. You don't know me, you don't so stop acting like you do. & my mom's like he's drunk yadi yadiya. Yes, he is. But drunk people are the most honest so he meant it. Which means he's the biggest in the whole entire world. So moral of the story is, don't mess with your stepfather cuz he's a ing & he'll mess you up cuz he thinks you're a ing screw up of a child. & again, next time I'll tell him what I ing wanna say cuz it's better to let it out then hold it in before I ing rip off his head. 

Sorry, not sorry for ranting. Rant to me too! Ugh TT_TT


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