I feel so GUILTY right now T.T 

I feel guilty whenever there would be a new subscriber and a new comment T^T 

I feel like I'm a BAD AUTHOR for not updating -____-" 

I AM SOOO GOING TO MAKE 3 chapters tomorrow >__< 

if I won't make it..then...UGH! I'll hate myself -_-" LOL :)) 

I should be punished LOL :)) 



have you guys heard that SIWON, KYUHYUN, and EUNHYUK are at the Philippines right now...

GAHHH! I wish I was there right now T____T



SCHOOL will start tomorrow T^T ASDFALSD! 3 

I don't want to go to school, yet -_-  *pouts* 


- G i N A 


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Want to see won, kyu n hyuk.. TToTT Haha, chill. You can't rush writing. xD Me don't want to go to school too..
I feel guilty too but you can't rush with writing or it will be crap T.T
i wish i was there T^T
byunqrins_ #4
school starts tomorrow for me too ;A;